I am way more confident about feeding in public this time round. With Harry, if we were at the in-laws, or people were here I would go upstairs to feed him, if we were out I would feed him in the car or find a baby room somewhere.
Now, I don't care who is around or where I am. I feed in front of the in-laws, I feed at the shops, in restaurants, at the zoo, at the park, you name it, I've probably fed there!
I fed Harry for 17 months. He gave up when I got pg. I would have happily carried on til he was 2. Although, truth be told I could've stretched it to 3!!
I hope I can feed The King for at least that long. I am not going to wean. If he wants to bf, then he's more than welcome to.
I haven't had any negative comments while we've been out.