Hello! In desperate need of some help here, I feel like I'm losing my mind. DS is 6.5 months old, and we've recently weaned him from the paci for sleep times. First week went really well. He was more or less setlling himself..it just seemed to take a little longer, and the most I might have to do would be to go back in and roll him over and wrap him back up (he's still swaddled with one arm out). His A times had increased to between 2-2.5 hours.
Since last Wed., I've been going through hell with him at naptimes. He will not settle! He screams and screams, sometimes with me doing pat/shush and PU/PD for the entire nap time. The first day I'd put him down after 2 hours, and thought it may have been too early. But when I tried 2.5 it's the same thing. He'll be perfectly happy and content until I go to put him down. I feel like I can't find the window anymore. I have no idea if this is some sort of regression from paci weaning or something else entirely.
Today started out a little better. He was awake at 7, I BF him at 7:30, he played in bed with daddy, had his breakfast at 8:30, we played on the carpet/practiced sitting, played with the dog, then went upstairs, changed diaper, swadled, lullaby and down at 9:30..and he settled on his own after 5-10 min. Up at 11:30, BF, played with toys in playpen while I cleaned up in kitchen and let the dog out, got changed upstairs, lunch at 12:30, then went to run a few errands. Back at 1:40, plenty of time to settle, no sleepy cues yet, swaddled, lullaby, down by 2:00, fussed for about 10min, went back in, reswaddled...and the screaming began. It's now 3:30, he's missed his nap entirely, I'll feed him and try again.
This is what's been happening for days, sometimes at both naps. Plus he's been fighting the catnap...I can only seem to get him to take it while out walking the dog (maybe sleeps 20 min.) I am getting so frustrated dealing with this, I don't know where I've gone wrong! Help please!