It has been 3 weeks since we switched from 2 to 1 nap. the reason of the switch was due to a recommendation that I got from this web-site.
FIrst of all as usual here is our actual routine
6:30 - 6:45 Wake up (He can also wake up at 6:00)
7:00 bottle of milk
8:30 breakfast
10:30 snack
12:00 lunch
13:00/13:15 - 14:45/15:00 - Most of the time his sleep lasts 1 hour 45 minutes. Before we switched afternoon nap was 1:15 minutes and morning nap 45 minutes
15:30 snack
17:30 dinner
19:30 bottle of milk and sleep
He was used to wake at 6:00 am after the summer time change he woke at 7:00am for a couple of days then woke earlier day by day. In the first days when he was waking at 7:00 am, he was sleeping at 20:00. Since we switched from 3 to 2 naps he is sleeping for 11 hours a night.
I know that the morning A time is too long. But if I put him to nap earlier then afternoon nap has to be longer which is not recommended.
I have to find a solution for the night wakings which is happening either once or twice a night. However I can't say that we didn't have straight nights during this 3 weeks. There had been 4 nights with straight sleep which was a good rest for us
In addition I wonder if the nap time is ok. He is not fussy in his A time especially in the morning. They are going to the playground with his nanny in order to make him tired and have a longet nap.
The last but not the least how can I push his waking towards 8:00 am.