Well it hass been almost a week since I last posted and a lot has changed. Edward now only has bf's at 8am, 12pm, 4pm, 7pm and 10pm all for 20 mins except for the 8am and 10pm when he will feed from both sides for a total time of 45 minutes and still has his 2 finger food snacks, breakfast, light lunch and family dinner at night and is drinking loads of water in between meals and bf's. He seems a lot more settled at night and at the moment is waking in the night for a feed but I am giving him the feed as he is teething again and is suffering with a temperature so is having infant ibrofen with his 10pm feed to try and help him sleep better. Will re-get back on track with the night feed once teething is over with as I do not want to course him anymore distress than he is already in with his teeth. Number 5 has broke the gum and number 6 is just under the gum but not quite broke the gum yet and both are on the top. He loves chewing on a dummy/paci but that is all he is doing with them so not sure weather to take them away before he gets attached to them or weather to leave him with htem as they are helping to keep him carm. Also tried to say DAA-DAA today but came out GAR-GAR but he was strocking his dads arm when he said it so we think it was meant to be a daa-daa. Ooh and also Kate Enchanted worked a treat they sat and watched it from start to finish with out a word so it got put back on again when Edward went down for his nap and I sat with them and we had a lovely cuddle just me and my 2 monkeys. I am going to buy it for them as a treat when I see it in stock at the disney shop as my daughter loved it that much she is after a cup and new bowl and plate but it has got to be enchanted and she wants to have a princess party for her birthday in November and she wants to dress up in the enchanted costume she has seen in the disney shop at my local shopping mall.