Hi all,
My 15mo has made/is making the transition over the last 2 months, and now more often than not takes a nap at 12:30 for about 2.2.5hrs. His schedule is as below on most days:
7am Wake up and milk
8:15am Bfast
11:30 lunch
12:30-2:30/3 nap
milk on waking
5:30 dinner
7/7:30 sleep
As some of you might know we have struggled with NW for feed and before the transition managed to wean him off the feed and he would start his day early about 6/6:30 with milk and all was well, till the transition and then cough/cold happened.
Also he has about the same time made the transition to cow's milk.
now NW are a disaster, he won't fall asleep even after milk and stays awake howling/moaning for about 1 or 2 hrs an then only falls asleep with exhaustion and manage to sleep till 7. These are not on a fixed time and can vary from 1:30-4am!
This wake-ups are killing us. The poor guy really cries when he wakes up, his throat gets hoarse etc. He refuses water in a sippy cup and I have not offered water in a bottle as don't want to take yet another step backwards.
Any thoughts on what we are doing wrong?
Also after every 3/4 days DS will take his nap early say about 10:30 and then may or maynot have a PM nap, which obviously messes everything further. We try and do an eraly sleep time but he rarely goes down before 7am.
Please feel free to suggest everything/anything.