Thanks Layla,
That is what we started last night, he was asleep by 6:30pm and was SO ready for it!! Today he woke at 6:30 which means he got his full 12 hours, but he was still tired and actually fell asleep in the car which he never does! It is a rainy dreary day though too. I didn't let him stay asleep, I want to make sure he is good and tired at 6pm, lol. How many days do you think we should put him to bed early before trying to slowly shift his bedtime back again? I know that the Baby Whisperer book said that anything done in 3's becomes a habit, but with something like this, where his sleep has been sacrificed for a while, should I do it longer? I really hope the w2s aren't necessary, because if I wake up at 5am to do it, I won't go back to sleep myself, it's awful, I am a bad sleeper too. If I wake anytime in the early AM I am up for good, especially, if I have to get vertical, lol, it stinks! I could ask DH to do it if we need to use this method though. Maybe if I shift the bedtime by only 15 minute intervals for three days at a time, it would help. The only problem is that we will be on vacation in a few days so I know things will get all botched, I will try to keep him on schedule though! Sometimes he actually sleeps longer when we are away from home, so we will see.
His room is VERY dark, he has dark brown curtains that are closed with no sun even peeking through and his room is painted blue, even the ceiling, so it's pretty conducive to sleep, lol. I think as soon as his eyes open, the first thing on his mind is coming to see mommy and daddy. We tried putting the gate up at his door, but he usually needs to go potty when he wakes so we are doomed if we do and doomed if we don't, lol. He just needs to start waking a bit later.