He seems so tired in the morning and I think he would possibly nap but we were told he should be able to go the whole morning and that his body just needs to adjust.
I am not sure who told you that he should be able to go all morning (I hope it wasn't me

) without a nap but I can assure you that ALOT of babies at that age can't and if he is clearly tired in the morning, he is obviously not ready for 1 nap. Some toddlers are down to 1 nap as early as 12months but the majority don't fully transition until they are about 18months old!
So I would go back to offering 2 naps. However you might want to shorten the morning nap to say 45mins so that he is still tired enough for bedtime. So this is the routine I would try and follow:
6am (considering he wakes at around this time work with the early wakings for now)
9.30-10:15am - morning nap (wake him up 45mins into the nap to preserve afternoon nap)
1.30-3pm - afternoon nap (this nap should be longer since he's only slept a short time in the am)
6.30-7pm - bedtime
If you put him down for the morning nap but he won't fall asleep within say 30mins then forget the nap and shoot for 1 nap... but you really need to offer it sooner than 12.30-1pm. I would put him down at around 11am or so... let him sleep for up to 2.5-3hrs and then do bedtime around 4.5-5hrs later. See at the moment say he sleeps just an hour from 12.30-1.30pm... he is then awake for 5.5hrs until bedtime, which is probably too long for him.
I can't stand listening to him cry until he falls asleep and then listening to him cry when he wakes up in the night and not being able to go in.
You don't have to stand at the door listening to him. I "think" I remember it was someone from your DH's work that suggested standing at the door and shushing??? This is really the last stages of the gradual withdrawal method you're talking about. You need to start off by being by his side/sleeping in the room if you want to do the gradual withdrawal and then slowly over a few weeks moving towards the door until you're at the door and then out of there.
He also starts playing with my hair when he gets tired, I am pretty sure it is a comfort item for him and I let him play when he falls alseep for a nap so I wonder if he is looking for it in the middle of the night? When he wakes up in the morning after 6am I take him to bed with me, he doesn't usually go back to sleep but if he does he has a handful of hair He seems to play with it a lot during the day since we started the sleep training - have we killed his trust in us and is his whole world upside down and he needs the hair as a comfort item during the day now? Does any of that make sense? I kinda got rambling there.
Its very possible that he is using the hair as a method of self soothing. You haven't killed his trust and at the end of the day, when you sleep train, they need to find something that helps them relax and fall asleep. This might just be it! What about getting him a doll with hair so that he can play with her hair and use that as a soothing method? My dd uses her blanket... she used to use my breast and the dummy and now its the blanket. During the day she drags that blanket around from room to room. Once they find a comforter, they hold onto it for a looong time, lol.
My dd was also teething like crazy around that age. If you know he's in pain from teething, give him pain relief (even at night) to cover that side of things and then go back to sleep training.
Let me know what you think