Thanks so much for trying to help, it means an awful lot
Bethany had a routine a couple of months ago along the lines of:
7- 730 wake
11.15 - 12.45 sleep (1.5 hours)
4.30 - 5.25 sleep (40 mins)
7.45 bf, down to bed just after 8, asleep by 8.30
So an average 2+ hours of naps. Her 1st nap has usually been the best, and having the catnap 2ND fits with the school run for dd1. 2nd nap gradually got later and shorter since about 10 months as you would expect
The 10.5 hour night worried me but was not sure if it was just habit or could be fixed or would go away, was occasionally dropping to 10 hours. Tried w2s a few of times, stirring her. sometimes it worked, other times no effect
Then came a few illnesses, mixed up sleeps, weeks holiday etc and a time when she pretended she could have one 2 hour nap and be ok..... leading to OT, and shorter nights. Even before the OT, the illness convinced me the short nights needed to be broken as she still only did 10-10.5 hours at night, then woke and an hour later needed 3 hours sleep so the habit was really stuck hard.
With Claire's Mum's help a couple of weeks ago we tackled the OT by packing daytime sleep in her. But she still only did 10-10.5 hours at night, despite an earlier bedtime so I was stuck in a vicious circle of having 10 hour nights and 2 naps totalling 3 hours in the day to stop the OT. Miserable parents, OT sister, miserable Bethany obviously still tired when waking, naps all over the place, but totalling 3 hours.
ABout 10 days ago W2S, (mostly by) stirring her, worked and we had 3 days of bliss (11 hours at night, naps of about 1.5 hours and 30 mins) then it all went wrong a week ago which is what I detailed above. It was frustrating not being able to get back on track after just one messed up day, hence my post. w2s from stirring having no impact, only working if she fully woke up
Then last night w2s woke her fully again and I AP'd her back to sleep. Hence the dilemma above about how to continue w2s to have any success
Hope this helps to fill in the history. So yes I am doing w2s for every night, not for naps. Agree her naps are all over the place (depending on night sleep!) so could give this a go but 3 days a week she is at nursery and once at grandparents so its a bit limited. But do hope if the nights get sorted the pattern to the day will settle
Undecided if she is still OT or just habit still. If its a 10 hour night she is def OT the next day but there is some element of a habit needing to be broken too.
IF she consistently had 11-11.5 hours at night (well I can but dream) she would be very close to switching to one nap, although I know the road is rocky so would not expect it overnight. But she def can't get there on 10 hours a night!!
Any insight much appreciated, esp on how to continue w2s!!!!
e X