Hi folks
My 28 month old DS will not go off to sleep for his nap on his own anymore. If left to his own devices he jumps, bangs, shouts - anything but fall asleep. Most days I can make him go off if I get in to bed with him but it still would take at least half an hour. However, I've got a 3 month old as well and I don't want to leave him for that long while I'm trying to make DS#1 sleep, plus it goes against my BW instincts!!
I figured it was time to drop the nap totally, and the last two days he hasn't napped. However, yesterday evening we had tantrum after tantrum and he woke up at 4am and didn't go back to sleep for a good half an hour - something he never does.
Today I tried to put him down as usual, but there was no chance. He's chilling out on the sofa watching TV as I type!
Do I just have to deal with the trantrums and the nw until he sorts himself out? Or should I still be trying to get him to nap?
Any advice appreciated?