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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #105 on: August 09, 2008, 10:47:14 am »
Thanks Mamitica, I'll definitely check out the link.

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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #106 on: August 09, 2008, 14:49:55 pm »
lidiayy-  I served LO the frozen milk yesterday in the sippy cup and realized later that I was bad- the smell gave it away; then the texture; finally, the taste.  It's the worse taste!  And poor LO had about 4 oz of that milk. :(

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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #107 on: August 09, 2008, 18:45:10 pm »
Kerrie - Congratulations on new job!!  :D  Isn't it good when you have new challenges?  So you've decided to buy a new pump? I'm sure you won't regret, letdowns should be easier and soon you'll have mastered pumping and you'll be able to send Holly to daycare w/o being worried.  ;)
DD is fine with the daycare thing. Actually, she is so sociable than I wonder if she misses me  :P

Mamitica - oh, how awful. Have you read about milk not smelling fresh?
Anyway, you're already used to pumping and soon your stash will be bigger again!

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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #108 on: August 09, 2008, 22:24:55 pm »
Hello, ladies!  Just thought I'd join in with some questions!  I have a 10 month old DD who will be in daycare 4 days a week starting in the middle of October.  She has never taken a bottle, and in fact is still getting 5 BFs a day due to sensory/reflux issues causing problems with her intake of solids.  When my DD1 was 10 months, I cut out one BF and gave cow's milk in a sippy instead (she refused a bottle, would not drink EBM or formula from a sippy, but happily sucked back the cow's milk ::) ).  Then when she was 11 months and I went back to work, I was feeding her just 2x a day, morning and night.  Unfortunately, she weaned herself entirely and suddenly 4 days after her first birthday. 

Hayden has some health issues (reflux and kidney problems), and I really want to BF her as long as I possibly can.  I don't have a pump, but would happily invest in one if you don't think it's too late.  Should I be introducing a bottle for the EBM feeds, or just give it to her in a sippy?  I can pump once at work (I only get a half hour break in a 9 hour day - my arrangement), and then once at 9 pm.    I'm sure she'll still need her night feed,  with reflux she tends to take smaller feeds and still needs that one.  Will that be enough to keep my supply up?  She'll be getting BF morning, evening, night, and then 2 EBM feeds.  How many oz does a baby this age usually take per feed?

Thanks in advance for any help! :)
Nicole - Mom to My Lovely Girls

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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #109 on: August 10, 2008, 02:16:01 am »
Welcome, Mamitica!  So sorry to hear you had to dump your stash.  :(  That's so hard after putting so much work into it. 

Congrats on the (almost) new job, Kerrie!  You sound excited.  :)  I'm glad you're getting your pump beforehand to try it out & get used to it.

DD is fine with the daycare thing. Actually, she is so sociable than I wonder if she misses me  :P
I know this feeling.  ::)  It's good to know that they enjoy where they are, though.  And I know that Isaac's teachers really do love him, too. 

Welcome, Nicole!  How is Hayden 10 months?!  ;)  I have a few thoughts.  They're worth what you paid.  ;) 
I really want to BF her as long as I possibly can.  I don't have a pump, but would happily invest in one if you don't think it's too late. 
My personal opinion is that you will probably be able to bf longer if you are able to pump.  Every woman's body is different, but the more "keep making milk" signals that you send, the better.  I did fine when I was doing 5 feeds/pumps, but things really started slowing when I went to 4, and I'm honestly not doing well with only 3.  Granted, I was trying to start the weaning process, but when I did, it hasn't taken long to drop.  My plan is to get to 2 & do it as long as my body will.  Anyway, sorry I got sidetracked. 

Should I be introducing a bottle for the EBM feeds, or just give it to her in a sippy? 
Hayden will be ~1yr when you get back to work.  I'm thinking to try just a sippy.  Otherwise, you'll be wanting to start weaning the bottle about the time you get it introduced.  (says the woman whose 14-mo-old still takes 2 bottles ::))

Will that be enough to keep my supply up?  She'll be getting BF morning, evening, night, and then 2 EBM feeds. 
I can't post any guarantees, but that sounds like a good plan, provided you're pumping at least twice to get the 2 ebm feeds.  Also, keep in mind that for a lot of women, you have to pump more than once to get enough for a single feed.  I would pump ~3-4 times for 2 bottles when Isaac was Hayden's age.

How many oz does a baby this age usually take per feed?
I'd start with this webpage ( as a good place to start.  Make your bottles according to it.  The first few days (or couple of weeks) you can send in extra "fresh" milk in case she's still hungry.  If not, it can always go into the next day's bottles.  Over this time,  you can figure out how much she really wants in her bottles & you can start making them according to her instead of the generic calculator.  I always made sure I had 1-2 bottles worth of frozen milk at daycare in their freezer.  That way if bottles spill, she's really hungry, liners break, etc, they have an easily accessible supply. 

Hope some of that helps.  Good luck!  :D

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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #110 on: August 10, 2008, 03:04:33 am »
Hi Nicole, just wanted to pipe in too and say I have just now ordered a double pump for when I return back to work in a few weeks.  I only had a mini electric, so wouldn't have been sufficient to use regularly.  However, if you only have a short break at work, a double pump would definitely be the way to go and a good investment.  The idea is obviously you will get more milk in a shorter amount of time - is there anyway you could split your 30 min break to 2 x 15 mins?  You could then pump at least twice through the day to hopefully get more milk out. 

Anyway, my personal opinion on the bottle v's sippee cup at that age is you may as well just go straight to a sippee cup.  Everything I have read (I believe even Tracey's books) has stated that if the baby hasn't had a bottle before 6 months, you can just go straight to a sippee cup.

Candice a question for you as you are still BF'ing after a year - do you still introduce cows milk as well as BM after 1 year or just hold off on cows milk until you stop BF'ing altogether?  Sorry it might be a silly question, but my ds was on formula by 1 year, so I switched to cows milk shortly afterwards - so not sure about BM (hoping I will make it that far)

Lidia - I am sure Milena misses you - but know how you feel.  My ds is the same - he runs into daycare waving bye bye to me when he goes - I remember the days he used to cry when I dropped him off...  But I'm really pleased to hear she is loving it - it is a load off your mind.  I definitely can't wait for my new challenge with this job, I'm very excited.

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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #111 on: August 10, 2008, 19:16:43 pm »
Marensmama-  My advise is to go for the sippy.  DS in 7 mos. and hardly ever took a bottle, but now that I'm going to work in a week, I introduced the sippy.  I got the Born Free ones.  They are more expensive, but no bad plastics and he loves the spout since it comforts his gums.  He had no problem using the sippy.  He really likes it.  About the pump, a good quality double pump is worth the investment.  Anytime you are pumping you'll be glad you invested your money in a good product.  Pumping is not my favorite past time and I"m glad I can do it as efficiently and quickly as possible.  I have a Medela In Style.  Surely worth the $250 for me, specially at the beginning when your body is getting used to the pump and every ounce counts :)  I'd recommend pumping as many times as you can as well.  In the morning is always a good time because your body tends to accumulate more milk during the night.  Then, during your break at work; at the end of your work day and at home at night.  It's a lot of time and effort; hence the importance of a double pump.

Kerrie- Congrats on the new job!

Campbellchick-  Have you checked out the video and to the "gravity" exercises? LOL :)  I actually used the technique this morning because I wanted to get 8 oz. even and that helped gett that extra ounce. LOL

Well, I'm over my stash being spoiled.  I figured DS didn't want old milk anyways and the truth is that it helped keep my supply up, get my body used to pumping, and helping with the work transition.  I wonder if one day the power went out and maybe that caused it to spoil....It's a mistery.

So I'm starting work in a week and I already miss DS.  For those of you with babies already in daycare, how do you handle the long hours away -almost 10 in my case w/ commute and what not.  I'll miss that little one so much.

Take care ladies.  I think I'm going to do some gardening.  DH is with DS at IL's house.  Got a few hours to myself. :)

Offline lidiayy

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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #112 on: August 11, 2008, 01:34:00 am »
Hi Mamitica,

It's been two and a half weeks since DD started at daycare. Since DH and I decided to have a baby, we always thought about leaving her at daycare so as soon as she was born, I started to prep myself to it. It's not easy as there's always a felling of guilty, specially when they get sick.

All I can say is that babies are very adaptable and once they have someone to feed them, change their nappies and a comfortable place to nap, they'll be ok.

I drop DD off 8 am and pick her up almost 6 pm, so pretty much like you plan to do.
Try to show confidence to your LO, I think this helps.

Take care


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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #113 on: August 11, 2008, 02:48:48 am »
Kerrie, I intro'd cow's milk at ~12 mo, but didn't really include it as a beverage until closer to my freezer stash running out.  First I used cow's milk in oatmeal & other cereals.  Then I started offering it in a sippy with breakfast.  Last to come was changing over the bottles I sent to daycare.  He (and J before him) handled it just fine.

Mamitica, {{hugs}}.  It *IS* hard to leave your lo.  I was... overly involved when I started to leave my oldest.  For the first week, we went.  Notice "we," not "he."  I stayed with him almost the entire time.  But then I convinced myself that he'd be OK for longer and longer periods.  You know what?  He was.  :)  Just tonight he told me "I wanna go to school!" and was upset because it was 5 pm on a Sunday & nobody was there.  ::)  I have to admit that it was easier to leave Isaac.  He started with the same teachers that J had had a couple of years ago, so I already knew & trusted them.  As a bonus, it was close enough to work that I could go bf each boy at lunch for the first few months they were in daycare.  That was quite a blessing to have that. 

Offline campbellchick

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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #114 on: August 11, 2008, 13:19:43 pm »
Candice it seems like you had a great transition into daycare.  At the moment I have ds at a fantastic daycare centre, which I have booked dd into and have been sooo nervous about her going to daycare.  She is so spirited and is definitely a mummy's girl, so am worried she will panic without me around.  I had it all planned to transition her next week and leave her there for a half day too (I am anticipating to start work the week after next with this new job) but now everything is up in the air!  DH is also looking for a new job since he is getting out of the Defence Force in a few weeks.  He went to an interview today and wants to take the job.  It sounds fantastic BUT his working hours are 6am - 5pm and with my job, there is travel involved, which is worst case scenario up to 50% of the time.  It should only for for a few days each trip though.  But now, as none of the daycare centres open before 6am, we need to look for a family daycare option that will take them occasionally before 6am for those times I am travelling so DH can drop the kids off before he starts work.  Unfortunately my family are just that little too far away to help those mornings, which now means that we need to move house and move daycares - and DH wants to do this (move daycares that is, not house just yet) before he starts work on the 8th September.  We have our house until January, so will need to look for somewhere else to move, but if I need to go away before then, we don't know what we will do with the kids.  If I wasn't nervous about this whole daycare thing before - I certainly am now!!!!  I don't want to switch because I know the girls at the other one and they are fantastic.  I can't make a decision in a week surely - especially since dd is such high maintenance....  Anyway, will make some calls tomorrow to go and look around next week.  I can use my parents as a back up option for the next few months if I need to go away though, so hopefully won't have to make a decision as quick as DH wants anyway!!!  Aaargh, stomach in knots now about it all....

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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #115 on: August 11, 2008, 15:20:44 pm »
WOW, Kerrie!  Big hugs to you!  As if one new job in a family isn't scary enough...  :o :o  I would think just deal with what you've got for a little while, so that you don't have to rush into a change.  If you rush, you might find yourself having to change *again* because it wasn't right for y'all in the first place.  I hope you find what you need.  :-*

Offline mamitica

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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #116 on: August 11, 2008, 17:23:06 pm »
Kerrie- Hugs!  Wow.  Lots of changes happening, but I'm sure you will all manage beautifully in the end.  As Candice and Lidia shared- kids are very adaptable.  I think it's us who have the toughest time because of guilt and stress.  If you don't mind I'll include you in my prayers.

Candice and Lidia-  thanks for the comforting words.   it's good to know that there are people like us who go through these things together and can support each other. :)  I start going with DS to daycare on Thrusday and MIL will come tomorrow to train since she'll care for him M-W.

Hugs to everyone. :)

Offline campbellchick

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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #117 on: August 12, 2008, 08:35:36 am »
Thanks Candice & Mamitica - I appreciate your support and Mamitica your prayers!  Candice, I totally agree about not rushing into it incase it isn't right and we need to change again - I think that is what I was am fearful of if I need to decide on somewhere by next week!  I have done lots of research today and have found some options that may be available to us to stay put for the next few months and look at someone to help out if I need to travel - then I have some others daycare options that may become available next year - so it gives me time to look around!!! 

Mamitica - I tried to view the link you sent through - and there is nothing wrong with the link at all, but our wireless broadband is too slow to view it properly without it pausing every few seconds - very frustrating.  I will try to view it at my dads next time I am there because it looks very helpful. 
Had better run, dd not going down for a nap - hugs to you all.

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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #118 on: August 12, 2008, 22:34:28 pm »
Kerrie - WOW, so many changes in a short period of time! But I'm at the end everything will be fine! I'll be thinking of you.  ;)

Girls, can you help me with a question?
DD is now 5 months and I planned to let her be EBF until she reaches 6 mo. She's been taking 2 bottles (EBM) at daycare - the caregiver offers frozen BM mixed with fresh one.  Considering that when she reaches 6 mo she'll start solids, would it be necessary to keep my "pumping routine"? So far, my stash hasn't decreased too much as I have been pumping quite enough the amount she's been taking. I wonder if I need to keep pumping 3 times a day.... When J and/or Isaac started solids, did you find out that pumping was less necessary? Or it's right the opposite, they gain more mobility and start to eat much more that you need more pumping sessions to have a bottle?  ???

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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #119 on: August 13, 2008, 02:28:59 am »
Different nursing relationships, different answers.   :-\ 

With James,  I struggled with my supply all the way thru.  I had to keep pumping 3x at work plus the dream pump, just to keep up.  When I started dropping pumps, my supply went pretty fast.  (I didn't start dropping them until J was about a year, though.) 

With Isaac, I was able to drop one of the daytime pumps (~8 months or so?) so it was 2x at work plus the dream pump.  It's kind of blurry now.   :-[  I dropped the dream pump ~12-13 months, but started eating into my stash heavily at that point.

Solids at 6 months honestly didn't have a lot of impact, either way.  They take so little solids at first, it just doesn't matter.  They're just tasting & practicing rather than getting a lot of nutrition.

Does something in that help?