Hi Viktoria - I still pump, for over 7 months now at least 2 times at work. I do it in the toilet, and to be honest I don't really care what people think, and my close colleagues know I'm pumping. My trip to home is about 30 min by tube and I never used any freezer packs - the milk is still chilled by the time I get home, and sometimes I forget it in the bag for a few hours when I come home, it's warm but it never spoiled. The fresh milk can actually last more than a day without even a fridge, if it's not too hot outside, and saves you the hassle with all these freezer packs which take space in my handbag.
My other tip is to keep a spare pump at work. I've forgot mine a couple of times, so had to go and buy a new one each time as otherwise I won't last a day without pumping, so know there is one in my drawer just in case.
If you just start pumping, don't be scared that in the beginning you don't get much, it's a learned skill and takes a few weeks to learn to get a letdown, just keep trying:)
Good luck!