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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #165 on: October 06, 2008, 03:42:26 am »
Hi!  Welcome, & good for you, giving your ds the best start!  :D

I wish I could tell you more about how much and how fast you can pump & how a double electric compares with a single or hand.  Unfortunately, it really depends on you & how your body responds to a pump.  Some women get lots in just a few minutes, while others (even with a great supply) can hardly pump anything.  :-\  What I can tell you is my experience. 

I've only used a medela pump in style advanced (double electric).  It's taken me thru 2 boys, working all day.  With ds1, I had to pump 3x/day (about 10, 1, & 4 if I remember correctly).  With ds2, I was able to pump enough for his bottles by only pumping twice (maybe 10:30 & 2 or something like that).  Even for me with different boys, my pumping was different.  What really helped out both times was to institute a dream pump.  Neither of mine ever really took to a dream feed, so I used that time to pump instead.  It helped take the pressure off myself for trying to get enough only at work.  So I really like your idea of pumping again at home.  That really worked for me.

My PISAdvanced was pretty heavy, but I got the backpack version, so it wasn't really that much of an issue.  It was kind of noisy, but at work, the whole hall didn't hear what was going on. 

As for pumping on your days off...  I didn't have to do that with ds2 (didn't have the days off with ds1).  Some things that I've read on the boards though are...  if you only single side feed, then pump the other side while/immediately after you bf.  Or if you double (like me), then maybe wait an hour or so after a feed & then pump both sides.  That should give you enough time to be prepared for the next feed, even on a 3 hr EASY.  (BTW, several bf moms find that their lo's don't stretch to a 4 hour EASY as soon as Tracy suggested they might.  Mine were still on 3-3.5 hr at 6 months or so.  Not all do that, but I wanted you to be aware that it's not uncommon.  :))

Oops.  Just re-read that you do a df & pump for that.  Not sure when you'd fit another pump at home in, but it would be good if you could get one. 

Sorry it's late & my brain is kind of jumping around.  You mentioned sending extra incase ds was really hungry.  I did that the first few days, but once I figured out how much he was taking usually, I just sent that amount.  AND I kept a bag of *frozen* milk at daycare in case of hunger, spillage, drop-in bag breaking, whatever.  That way he had additional available, but I didn't have to send in a lot extra every day.  Just a thought.

I know some have mixed ff & bf, but I don't have personal advice on that.

Don't worry about asking questions.  :)  And try not to work yourself up.  (Easier said than done, I know.  I've been there.)  But ds will pick up on it, & it doesn't help pumping output.  ;)

I hope something in that helped.  Keep posting.  :) 

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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #166 on: October 06, 2008, 12:00:36 pm »
Hi Em, welcome and big hugs to you for worrying so much about this.  I know how you feel.  Firstly it will probably really help your supply as you are working part time and can feed your ds on the days that you are not working and that is always the best way to maintain your supply.  But as Candice said, it is very different for each person. 

I personally only used to have a Medela Mini Electric pump and had very little success pumping with that (I had used it with ds and my supply diminished totally with him by 5-6 months).  So when I was planning on going back to work this time around, I was stressing big time on being able to pump to keep feeding dd.  I invested in an Ameda Purely Yours double pump and it has honestly been fantastic.  I think I was using the mini electric more than it was designed to be used and I also read that sometimes the motors on the pump can wear down.  I have been using the ameda for 7-8 weeks now and I've had no problems at all pumping enough or getting a let down.  In 1 pump, I can pump enough for 1 feed, so I only pump twice a day at work at this stage and the rest of the time I feed dd (morning, evening and she still wakes once at night for a feed), then on weekends, I try to avoid the pump altogether when I can and just feed dd as that helps my supply the most.  Also, the ameda pump is super light and only weighs about .5kg (1.1lb). Oh and it is very quiet.  Much quieter than my mini electric.  I personally think it was completely worth the investment and has made pumping for me very easy, rather than something that I dread doing. 
Anyway, I hth a little.  Let us know how you get on.  I know how tough it is making these decisions and not knowing if it all going to work out to what you need/want.   :-*

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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #167 on: October 06, 2008, 15:16:08 pm »
Yay!  Glad you got some advice on a different pump.  :)

the rest of the time I feed dd (morning, evening and she still wakes once at night for a feed), then on weekends, I try to avoid the pump altogether when I can and just feed dd as that helps my supply the most. 
This is certainly true.  I wouldn't trade a real bf for a pumping session.  I meant to say I'd try to fit in a pumping session in *addition* to bf'ing your ds.  Sorry if there was confusion.  Like I said, it was late.  ::) :-*

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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #168 on: October 07, 2008, 13:32:48 pm »
Thanks Candice and Kerrie!  Your posts were really helpful.  I'm convinced this site is keeping me sane (ish!)  :)

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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #169 on: October 08, 2008, 12:05:23 pm »
Em, I know exactly how you feel!  When my dd was only 2 months old she WOULD NOT sleep at all and this site is the ONLY thing that got me through it and keep me from going around the bend!!!

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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #170 on: October 31, 2008, 23:36:52 pm »
Hi Ladies,

How have you been? Working a lot, I'm sure....

I wonder if anyone could help me. Candice, maybe you can: are you still BF'ing? Since I stopped going to daycare at lunch time to feed DD, almost once a week I started to have a nipple bleb.

I'm not sure if it happens due to pumping (long time w/o baby nursing directly from my breast). It's soo painful and besides there's always the risk of mastitis. So far, I think I've been lucky because I only feel the pain (skin sensitiviness)  but no fever, so I'm pretty much sure there's no infection.

Well, I'm still BF'ing, 1st and last thing and DD is drinking my milk in the bottle once a day at daycare. I've been able to keep my freezer full of my milk!

Hope to hear from you.

Hugs to all


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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #171 on: November 01, 2008, 00:48:03 am »
Hi, Lidia!  Wow!  Congrats on almost 8 months.  That's WONDERFUL!  I'm so proud of you.  :D  That's a LOT of hard work. 

In answer to your questions...  No, I'm not bf'ing any more.  We weaned completely about a month ago at 16.5 months.  Still a bit sad sometimes, but it was a great bf'ing relationship.  :) 

Honestly, I don't know what to tell you about the bleb...  I never had one, & I did lots of pumping, too...  Ummm...  Trying to think...  Is it a skin sore?  Is there a knot underneath?  Did Milena recently get (more) teeth?  How long has this been going on (i.e. when did you stop going for lunch)?  This may be worth a post of its own on the main bf'ing board...  I'm so sorry I'm not more help...  :(

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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #172 on: November 01, 2008, 12:01:59 pm »
Hi there,  Lydia, sorry I can't help you either :'(.  I hope you can post on the other BF board and get some help though.  I just wanted to say hi - things are so busy, it is just crazy.  We are going on vacation for 2 weeks next weekend and are flying across the country with both kids!  On one hand I am sooo nervous about it all, but on the other hand, I can't wait for the time off...  (Hmm, and I've only been working for 2 months and need more time off already :-[)

Anyway, I hope everyone is well - Candice, congrats on your very long stint of BF'ing - 16.5 months is fantastic work...  Especially it being your second time around too.  I feel that my milk has suddenly dropped quite a lot and I'm not sure why.  I've been watching my water intake like a hawk, but it hasn't seemed to help the last few days.  I wonder if it is because I have finally stopped the one night feed?  I have heard that the night feeds can really help your supply.  Does anyone know?  I will see how I go next week as it was only really the last 3 days of last week that it was a problem.  I also wonder if it is from being so tired too?  Holly has been awake far more than usual lately as she has been teething, had fevers and has another cold again.  She has been very unsettled at night and I have also been working very long hours this week with lots of driving (about 2+ hours a day).  It might just all be taking a toll on me???   I hope it is not permanent though, Holly is doing fantastically with the BF'ing so far.  I would hate for my supply to drop this far into it  :(

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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #173 on: November 02, 2008, 00:53:06 am »
Hi girls,

First of all, thanks for the support! It's so much better when you know that there's always someone here to talk to, isn't it?

Candice - Big hugs to you, dear! Please be sure that you've done a great job BF'ing J for 16.5 months. I want you to know that I admire you!
About your question: it's been almost two months that I stopped going to daycare at lunchtime. At that moment, I was pumping at 10.30 am and then I BF'ed DD at 1.30 pm. When DD turned 6 mo, I quit the 10.30 am pumping session and started pumping at 1.30 pm. I don't know why this bleb appears but I'll follow your suggestion and will post my doubts on other board.

Kerrie - Good to hear that Holly is skipping the night feed.  ;)  IKWYM by supply dropping a little due to tiredness. Try to enjoy your LOs while on vacation, definitely you'll feel better and your milk supply will go up. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Thanks once more.


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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #174 on: November 02, 2008, 03:36:54 am »
Thanks Lidia, I also meant to comment on how gorgeous your avatar of Milena is!  Soooo cute....  Let us know how you go with getting that bleb sorted out.

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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #175 on: November 03, 2008, 20:51:52 pm »
Thanks ladies.  :)

Kerrie, how many "real" bf's are you doing now?  And how many pumps?  Stress can definitely impact supply, so your trip (even though you want to go) may have something to do with it.  If it doesn't pick up, you could try adding another pump back in for a few days.  Once I dropped below 5 or so sessions (bf or pump), my supply dropped.  Different bodies have different levels they can handle; you may have reached yours.  Or it could be something else entirely.  ::)  ;)  We're always guessing, aren't we?

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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #176 on: November 04, 2008, 03:10:28 am »
Thanks Candice.  We are always guessing aren't we  ::)  I am doing 2 real BF's a day and 2 pumps now.  I guess with the night feed it was 3 real BF's.  On weekends of course, all BF's and no pumping.  I avoid it like the plague.  I am also now a bit worried because we will be leaving the kiddies with the grandparents for 2 nights and taking off for a wedding.  I am going to have to try to pump after we arrive to get some stock up for when we are not there.  I have no idea how I am going to fit a pump in and how I am going to get enough milk in only 6 days before we go away  :-\.  I think as my supply is best in the mornings I might just pump straight after the morning feed as I don't think she takes much from the second side anyway.  I could always just give her one side and pump the other as she will be having solids straight after and these days she doesn't seem very interested in that second side in the mornings anyway  :(.  I was also thinking I could try to get another pump in before bed too.  Then I would have fed Holly at 6pm or 7pm, then pump again around 10pm now that I am not feeding her at night.  Hopefully I will get enough milk up and it may also help my supply a little - fingers crossed.  I will reassess again after spending 2 weeks straight with her and hope that my milk has gone back up. 


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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #177 on: November 04, 2008, 18:40:47 pm »
I think as my supply is best in the mornings I might just pump straight after the morning feed as I don't think she takes much from the second side anyway.  I could always just give her one side and pump the other as she will be having solids straight after and these days she doesn't seem very interested in that second side in the mornings anyway  :(.  I was also thinking I could try to get another pump in before bed too.  Then I would have fed Holly at 6pm or 7pm, then pump again around 10pm now that I am not feeding her at night. 
{{hugs}} hun.  I think you have a good idea about adding some pumping in.  To be honest, I kept that 10pm pump for a long time.  (Isaac was 12+ months before I got rid of it.)

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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #178 on: November 04, 2008, 19:25:26 pm »
Well I have lasted one full week back at work and guess what!!! I have survived it!!! LOL

A Day in the Life of a Working Breastfeeding Mom... (some ramblings from the heart)

I am effectively working being a career woman and pumping being a dedicated mother in a male dominated environment.
The first day was absolute hell, but by day 2 in the afternoon there was no time to skip a beat, all i wanted was to get home.

I wake up at 04h45am. Shower and wash my hair. I then come into my room where my lil munchin is sleeping and gently wake him up around 5am. From 05h00am to 05h30am, I breastfeed Tristan and talk to him about who knows what that time of the morning, I ramble on and on softly cause i feel his snuggle deeper into my embrace at the sound of my voice. As he drifts off to sleep, I think of my day ahead, and us being separated till I get home in the afternoon.
I tuck him up back in bed and give him a big kiss and tell him that I love him very much. I am out the door at 05h45am and a quick ride down the road takes me to work and our in house company gym. That is where i am headed. After a low impact cardio and 10 minute steambath, I refresh myself and get ready for work upstairs.
When I arrive at my desk, I literally sit and don't move until my mobile alarm goes off as a reminder that its nearly 10am and I need to express.

I take a walk towards the bathroom with my coolerbag over my shoulder. Inside are Ziplock bags, a black permanent marker, my Avent Isis Manual pump and bottle, sterile wet wipes, a bottle of fenugreek, latex gloves, a container of prolac, detol hand sanitizer and a big bottle of water and my cellphone which has over 200 photos of Tristan on it that i watch as a slide show while i pump. I have consumed enough water during the day to sink the Titanic and I hope that my expressing is swift and effortless... one can only hope...

After 15 minutes of pumping, smiling and happy even though we are apart, i know i am doing the right thing... I bag the milk into a ziplock, seal and label it with the date and amount. On average i pump out 9oz, which makes me so proud cause its really hard work. I clean up and make sure that all is safely stored and cleansed. I walk out the bathroom and throw away the gloves in the dustbin on the way out. I leave my coolerbag in the fridge on the other side of the building, there department is the nearly the only one comprised of only woman. Once the bag is tucked away inside the fridge, I head off back to my desk to continue where i left off... I then work straight through till 14h00, where i get up and repeat the above process again.

By the time its 15h30 having worked a hard day in the office I am exhausted and all i want to do is sleep...
I rush out the building like a bat our of hell and make my way home.

I walk into my apartment and find my son sitting on my mothers lap and she is singing a song to him... "" Booby boy, Booby boy, you're mommys little booby boy'' to which my ears are greeted to the sound of my boy gurgling with laughter.

Any stress or unpleasantness i might have experienced during the day vanish as if they had never happened. I am so happy to be home. I take him into my arms and hold on like there is no tomorrow, breathing in his scent, the one only babies have! I smile as i look into his eyes. He smiles and i know he recognises me. With a wiggle and nudge, i get the message and unhook my bra to allow Tristan to latch. His expression is one of triumph, the cat the got the cream. There is nothing better in the whole wide world than holding him after a day at the office. I smile as i look into his eyes and whisper softly... Mommys home my boy...

I sit here now beside my son in bed, typing out my experience today and thank god for being so blessed. For having a good job, being able to breastfeed and work successfully, for being healthy, for the unwavering support of my mother and her absolute love for her grandson and most of all, I say thank you for Tristan. I love him so.

My eyes are getting heavy now and i know the sandman is calling... my thoughts are pleasant and relaxed as i know that tomorrow is another day, the sun will shine and the birds will sing... and i will be able to be a mom and a career woman, together as one...

Its difficult, but the rewards outway the sacrifice... Its bed time now, cause I know that if Tristan doesnt wake up later for a dreamfeed, I will have to take up my trusty pump and express for tomorrow and the next day...

Well thats enough ramblings of a tired mom...  
My thoughts and good vibes go out tonight to all the other pumping and working mommys...
You are all amazing, wonderful and truly unconditional mothers. Well Done.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2008, 19:28:25 pm by TristansMom »
Lilypie Breastfeeding Pic" width="62" height="80" border="0<img src="" alt="Lilypie Breastfeeding Ticker" border="0"  />

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Re: Working moms/mums - come share tips and get support too! #2
« Reply #179 on: November 04, 2008, 19:34:11 pm »
Wow.  That's amazing, Tristan's Mom!  The only thing I can say is to print that out & put it in Tristan's baby book.  You'll want a record of that someday.  You're doing great!  :-*