My lo last ate at 4am. She got up for the day at 7:50 and I fed her at 8:00. She wouldn't eat very much. We are BF. She ten woke up 30 minutes into her nap starving so I fed her again and she went back to sleep. Why can't won't she eat very much? It's been almost 4 hours since she last ate-she should be hungry. She just wasn't interested. Also she is still waking up 2 times a night to eat. She will be 15 weeks this Friday. She just doesn't seem interested in eating much during the day. Also her naps have gotten short. She used to nap 2 hours straight through-now every day she wakes at 35 minutes on the dot. She's not OT or UT. I watch her cues and have varied it from day to day to try to straighten this out. Sometimes she'll go back to sleep with some patting, reentering paci etc. She also has really bad gas lately. usually always waking her during naps and at night..any thoughts?