Author Topic: crying and green poo?  (Read 723 times)

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Offline marimul77

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crying and green poo?
« on: May 08, 2008, 20:38:26 pm »

I was just wondering whether any of this sounds familiar to anyone? My ten week old has suffered from crying spells in the evening since she was about three weeks old and we think it is colic. The strange thing is that all throughout the day her poos are a normal yellow colour, she poos an awful lot by the way, but thats another story  ;D. Her screaming sessions however are more often than not followed by a slimey green poo, that smells totally different than the ones during the day :-X. Is this normally what happens in a breast fed baby with colic, or is it more likely that I have eaten something that does not agree with her, causing her tummy pains :-\.

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Re: crying and green poo?
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2008, 20:45:37 pm »
It's very occasionally related to a mother's diet but this isn't the most common reason. Have you see our green poo FAQ:
It might be related to a foremilk imbalance issue. Do you have a forceful letdown? Colic in a breastfed baby is often related to oversupply and an overactive letdown (which can also mean an occasional green poo and a lot of poo). Are her afternoon feeds any different? More clustered together or is she more restless?
There's more here:

This document is a bit odd but quite interesting if you think overactive letdown might be a factor:

What do you think?
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Offline marimul77

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Re: crying and green poo?
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2008, 21:06:23 pm »
The article is strangely laid out and quite difficult to read, but nonetheless there was a lot there that i recognised!!!!!!! My nipples are never round after a feed, they are flattened on both sides, i thought that was normal? Let down is painful, it sometimes feels as if the pain is coming from really deep down, i.e. my shoulder blades? Let down happens on both sides at the same time, is that normal? I soak several breast pads a day, but since i have put LO on 2.5 hour easy there is a lot less leaking. If it is due to oversupply, does this settle down eventually? My LO has always struggled with the first few minutes of every feed unless she is half asleep, she sucks less forcefully then.
She does not gain a lot of weight though, on average about a pound every three weeks so far???

Offline Samuel's mum

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Re: crying and green poo?
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2008, 05:38:07 am »
I know it's a bit weird to read. You have to sort of make your way through it. Letdown happening on both sides does happen still but it sounds as though your letdown is pretty forceful. Flattened on both sides isn't super common. Are you uncomfortable?
Oversupply does settle down often but there are things you can also do:
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