Well, we've had some more mixed success. He did not sleep at all yesterday afternoon and was wiped out by bedtime. It was my birthday and people were here so although we tried putting him down a few times, it was difficult to force the issue.
Today, he settled well after 2 and a half hours first thing so I think I've cracked that A time (ha! famous last words, he'll prob be completely different tomorrow). So, he slept between 8 and 9am, woke up in a lovely mood so I think he had enough sleep. By 11am he was rubbing his eyes. More head and eye rubbing so at 11.30am I put him down. He was rubbing his face in my shoulder as we were cuddling before naptime and I really thought he was tired. BUT he cried for a few mins, I went back in to re-dummy and he looked wide awake. So I got him up, gave him his lunch and we went for a walk. He slept between 1.10pm and 2.10pm in the buggy. I didn't try for a catnap in the late pm, probably should have!
I was rambling a bit yesterday I think, but what I am worried about is this - I know it'll take a while to get him settled on a 2 nap schedule and there are going to be days where he's overtired and cranky and I accept that. However, how can I avoid bad habits during this time? I'm determined not to rock anymore - if he won't sleep I'll get him up rather than do that. But is getting him up just as bad a habit? I don't feel like I know when he's tired anymore and the only real way of telling is by putting him down. But, if he's UT, he won't sleep and if he's OT he might not sleep. I don't want him to get confused about our nap time routine and that if he cries enough, he'll get up again. Argh!
What can I do when he's OT? I think he safest option is to stretch him a bit as he's more likely to sleep if he is OT but again, I'm worried about putting him down and getting him up again if he doesn't settle - hence the no cat nap today, I was just too scared!