I'm in the same boat! I'm a SAHM whose lo has several food sensitivities, so I can't give him anything but breastmilk. For a while, it was very hard to get ahead of him--he would nurse every 3-4 hours around the clock. However, I would pump whenever I could for a day or two, desperately trying to patch a bottle together. Once I got one, it seemed like I always had one, because I would pump at the same time my dh gave him the bottle. I did that pumping after every feed.
I have started pumping one hour after the am nursing (like Tracy suggests), but I am worried that then I don't have enough for that 11a feed and then he is hungry by about 2 or so. Anyone else have that problem? I think I'll keep pumping at 8ish for now (to build up a supply so it won't matter after a week or so), but in the mean time, I'll top him off at the 11a feed with what I pumped earlier. Soon I won't have to do that. Maybe that would work for you.