Thanks for that. Will have a look & try different ways out I guess until we find something that works. It would be great if he would eventually just take one long afternoon nap, especially because we have another LO on the way! He woke at 6am today & then just rambled & sang intermittently until just after 7am so not sure he he nodded off again but he was tired early so he's already napping & not too much of a fight. I think he fights the pm nap more than the am one. Also, when he's at nursery (1 day a wk), he naps for 1 hour at 12pm.
Also, we were thinking of trying him in a toddler bed before baby arrives - a little earlier than planned mind you. He is a big boy, very long so kind of looks out of place in his cot already! Do you think this would be too early? I'm a little concerned because he moves around his cot so much.
Thanks, Siobhan