Hi All,
phs - everything you are saying all seems fine, all lo's feed different some are quick and some are slow (like mine). If hes going 3hrs and weight gain is fine then don't worry and the nwing's for that age is also fine. Feeding at night is great for your suppy. If you wanted to try and get a longer streach at night, in the evening you could add a cluster feed. So If your feeding at say 3pm then 6pm, you could add a top up at 4.30-5ish to tank him up for the evening with the df on top.
jenloafer77 - do you single or double side feed? If you lo doesn't seem satisfied you could offer the other side and keep switching after a letdown until hes done. Lo's are good at getting the milk and if your topping up then your supply is not growing with demand, just a suggestion. A lot of lo's don't stick to the same EASY pattern all day, they could start at 3hr and as the day goes on end up at 2 by the last feed. It all good for supply and over time as your supply grows they stretch that bit further.
annie 74 - What is your day like, how often is lo feeding? You could try cluster feeding in the day to help the nights go longer between feeds.
marimul77 - Sounds like things are going well for you, well done. When you start to stretch feeds in the day do it slowly, you could start to move it to 2.15 for a few days and then if she seems fine still and no nwing's move on another 15mins and so on. If you move straight to 3hr, it will work for a few days but then you will start to have problems. Thats what i did and then always found myself trying to catch up with gs and they went on for up to a week and sometimes more, very hard work.
Kate x