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Offline Kimberly®

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Advice please
« on: May 20, 2008, 13:30:12 pm »
OK So I am a complicated person who doesn't know what she wants half the time  :P ::) :-[

I stopped BFing Karrigan on day 3, we're now at day 6 and my supply is in (OUCHIES!!) I know thats not enough now since she has had formula for a few days. Now I know I said in my birth story that I hadn't wanted to bf and thats why I stopped, combined wih her being jondiced which is now gone, in doing so I did feel a lot of pressure leave.

I can't help but miss it though. Its the pressure I can't stand.

On a whim this morning I bf Karrigan from both sides. It was partly because of the fact that I was so full kwim, and partly because I wanted to see if she was still interested.

She fed 30 min on one and 15 on the other then took a top up of 1oz of formula. Usually she'll take 3 oz. I was plesently suprised that when she latched she did it perfictly and it didn't pinch or hurt at all. This is a first for me.

I'm contemplaiting doing a morning and a before bed BF. But I want to know its its really worth the effort or if it will do more harm then good. For both of us.

How do I go about doing this? Am I better off doing EBF untill I have a really well established supply? Is this even a possibility??

I don't want to put to much pressure on myself, but this to me would be the perfict balence between BF and FF and she gets the benifits from both.

Other then feeding all the time, which I know helps, what else can I do for upping the supply? Its not horrible yet, but I'm sure I could make it better because of the situation.

Thank you
« Last Edit: May 20, 2008, 13:39:53 pm by Kimberly® »

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Re: Advice please
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2008, 14:44:27 pm »
Naturally the more you feed the more supply you will have.  It is certainly not too late to build your supply, but you'll need to start working on it right away.  I don't know what you mean by "more harm than good"?  ANY amount of breastmilk is good for your baby, and except in a few very very rare instances of some bizarre intolerance, there is no way your breastmilk or breastfeeding could "harm" your baby.  It's also good for you, in reducing your risk of certain cancers.

If you are able/willing to EBF till about 6 weeks, you should have your long-term supply established by then.  You can build supply by "switch nursing", even switching sides multiple times to keep the baby at the breast longer, and/or by pumping for 10 mins or so after each feed.  Taking the herb fenugreek can also help boost supply.

Others on here know more about the effect of doing only 2 feeds per day in the first 6 weeks.  It may impact your ability to keep up with growth spurts and maintain a supply long-term, but it's certainly worth a try.  There's really no way to predict how your body will handle mixed feeding, some people are able to do it and others have to stop before they wanted to, but again it's always worth a try.  I have never heard from someone who regretted bf'ing or trying to bf.

I was forced to supplement at each feed for the first 6 weeks of my dd's life because of low supply, and pumped 8x per day, took fenugreek and prescription meds, and I wound up bf'ing till 15 months.  However, she always had 1 bottle of formula as a "topper" at bedtime - though sometimes that was only 1 oz per day.  There are a lot of moms on BW who do mixed feeding by choice or by necessity, it is certainly a workable option for many people!

I hope everything works out for you the way you want.

« Last Edit: May 20, 2008, 14:47:25 pm by EllenS »
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Offline Kimberly®

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Re: Advice please
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2008, 21:42:34 pm »
I mean more harm then good because of the experience I had last time. I am not worried about the benifits of bfing so much as the effect it would have on us both. Especially if I work super hard and get no where like I did with Kayla.

It was so bad that it effected me to the point of PPD. DD was not happy, and DH was not happy either. Its what makes me weary to try again. I don't want to end up down that road again.

I'll be honest, its not the benifits that may be had by bfing that makes me want to do this so much as the cost savings. May sound odd, but really in my limited experience, ff was great and my DD has all the same benifits as any bf baby.

Its with great care that I go down this road. Its not worth my being broken to the point I was before. No matter what the benifits, its just not.

I do however at this point want to try.

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Re: Advice please
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2008, 22:10:41 pm »
I wasn't aware of your past experience, sorry I couldn't be more specific to your concerns.  There's just no way to know how it will affect you, but I guess the upshot is, that continuing bf'ing is a decision you can take one day at a time, you can change your mind about it at any time.  Once you stop, however, that decision will soon become permanent.
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Offline Kimberly®

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Re: Advice please
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2008, 23:56:39 pm »
Thats something I know :)

I do want to give it a go.

I called a LC today for some tips as well and they are willing to help me out. I also have an issue because while she can feed fine on the right side, the lefts a whole other story. Its inverted and DD can't latch 90% of the time. Makes things a lot harder. I've tried many positions, but its just really frustrating for both of us. Also means one side is harder and more sore then the other.

I'm hoping with some tips I can find a way that she can latch on. We shall see.

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Re: Advice please
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2008, 00:04:29 am »
I have heard a shield helps sometimes with inverted?
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Re: Advice please
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2008, 04:58:18 am »
There's a new product by lansinoh that I think looks really interesting and might really help in your situation:

You can make a version using a syringe for much less. Instructions here:
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Re: Advice please
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2008, 08:50:44 am »
hey Kimberly, just wanted to jump in and say congrats on the birth of Karrigan again! shes a doll! Also wanted to say well done for wanting to give it another shor, proud of you!!
And lastly wanted to share; I had a really bad experience BFing with thomas, it was awful I had it all from cracked nipples for 4 mos, oversupply, engorgement and 5 bouts fo mas and finally I gave up. I decided when I was pg with Emily that I would NOT do that to myself and my family again (me DP felt the same way as your DH) and I would out of fairnessgive it a shot but if I found it at all hard I would stop.
In fact DD latched on gret at the start and the BFing went brilliant for the first 4 mos, the we had tons of issues with reflux and I had to work at it from then onwards but I stopped BFing a few days ago (almost 11 mos!!) and have to say it was a really really good experience this time round: granted I had to work hard at it and with the lack of LCs around here I relied totally on the wonderful Bf mods here and thanks to them managed a whole(almost; ) ) year!

I feel your waryness and hesitation and totally understand it but I honestly think one BF experience does not imply the next one will be the same so YOU CAN DO IT and the beenfits for DD will be GREAT! You have the right frame of mind and all I can suggest to help with the nervousness is take the pressure off yourself, say to yuorself, kayla was FF and she did great so if I can't do this I will switch to FF. For me this really really helped and I am positive that it is one of the main reasons I BF for so long with emily. I felt waay too much pressure with thomas and ultimately set myself up for failure.
The adivce you'll get from mods and others here will really help and it's great that you're seeing a LC.

If it helps at all I have very flat nipples and after a few months of BF the y 'came out' ; ) and now stick out a bit more then they used to. I used theavent nipplette to help prize them out at the start and worked hard to get a good latch....
hth a little X

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Re: Advice please
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2008, 20:32:33 pm »
I used breastsheilds(the Medela ones) before having my LO to help the inversion, and it worked wonders.  I would try to keep up your supply, and be wary about only feeding twice a day, because that may affect your supply. You may have to pump in between to keep your supply up and avoid engorgement if you choose to bf. 

I know it can be hard.  I have almost given up a few times after my LO went on a nursing strike, I had to bouts of mastitis and had a kidney stone that made me ridiculously ill, but was persistent and positive and made it work for myself and the LO.  That is what's most important, what makes it best for you and your LO! 

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Re: Advice please
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2008, 04:24:01 am »
If it helps at all I have very flat nipples and after a few months of BF the y 'came out' ; ) and now stick out a bit more then they used to. I used theavent nipplette to help prize them out at the start and worked hard to get a good latch....
hth a little X

My nipples are rather 'flat' and I used a shield with DD which helped. Also with DD I've pulled out the nipple with my breast pump which worked well.  I notice this time my nipples do come out more!  Having said that DS seems to be a different feeder than DD - I think it's a bit of a lottery about how the bubba will attach.

You do have to make the right choice for you. HUGS
mumma to 2 former BW babies, DD 11, DS 8

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Re: Advice please
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2008, 04:56:08 am »

Just wanted to add that every baby is different in his/her breastfeeding tendencies and so if you can tip toe in with no pressure on yourself this experience may come out very differently just b/c it's a different baby. 

My mother breastfeed four babies and two of us were enthusiastic nursers who nursed for 2-3 years (me, #2, and my brother #4), and my two sisters were reluctant nursers who seemed to prefer bottles and constantly had her questioning her supply and offering supplements and both weaned before a year.  Same mother, same nipples, same breasts, different babies, kwim?

I hope you're find peace with a course of action that's best for you and baby.  :-*

Offline Kimberly®

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Re: Advice please
« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2008, 20:31:22 pm »
The LC was in today and she brought me a better pump and some breast sheilds. For the first time Karrigan was able to latch onto both sides and feed. It was great. She didn't eat long because she had just eaten, but when we pumped after for 10 min (both sides) we were able to get 1.5oz of BM. So I am encouraged. I also picked up some Fenugreek today to try and up my supply.

She was really great and when I told her we wanted to do formula at night (my husband enjoys feeding her too) she said it shouldn't be a problem. I'll produce what I need when I need it, and if I don't feed at night it wont come in kwim. So I should be fine doing it this way :)

In the mean time we'll feed both sides each feed and then pump, and supliment with formula.

Thanks for the great tips.


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Re: Advice please
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2008, 09:55:31 am »
 :) glad to hear you got good help/advice from the LC
mumma to 2 former BW babies, DD 11, DS 8