I'm not sure about the bottles, I will let someone experienced with bottles answer that one. Any supplementing we did while correcting a latch was with a syringe. And the flow is not always faster with the bottle, some people have a very fast letdown...but just the difference may be confusing her right now.
Re: feeds...they say a newborn should have between 8-12 feeds in 24 hours total. The only concern I would have for you at this early stage is that those night feeds are so crucial in establishing your supply. Like I said before, I got up to pump when Kate was sleeping long stretches, and even at that, I did feel a dip sometimes as the pump is just not as effective as a baby. But it was my only option at the time, even if I woke her she would not eat and then I was left with a wode awake baby for no reason lol.
Why don't you ask Stacy for her input. She is more experienced with the whole bottle thing, and I believe Kaleb slept through early on, not sure what she did in terms of pumping at night, or she was extremely lucky and her supply was okay anyway.
YAY on your achievement for today!