Some really great suggestions, thank you.
Stacy you are right on the mark with his daycare - in Canada I think it's any child in daycare, regardless of age, for 6 hours or more has to have a 2 hour naptime. Our handbook says that if the child is still not asleep after an hour, he will be given an opportunity to play quietly, but I think this really applies to the 3/4 and 4/5 year old rooms, not the toddler room. Really, I don't blame them - 15 kids and only one who won't sleep? And not the calmest of kids either. They need a break, I get it, and with a month left it's not worth the argument.
I wouldn't say our evening is chaotic or rushed, it's just time-specific. There's always a lot of suggestion of having dinner at say 4:45 to make everything earlier and that's just not possible. DH and I alternate cooking so ds gets equal amounts of our attention and I don't think he feels a great amount of stress in the house. Our typical afternoon is like this -
3:45ish - pick up at daycare, then pick dad up at work
4:15 - 4:30ish - arrive home
4:30 - start on dinner, depending on what we are having (we have a set menu on the fridge, to make things go smoothly and to help me watch my calories
5:15 - eat dinner together
6:00 - bath
6:30 - play, hang out, sometimes watch a little tv, have a snack
7:00 - start the bedtime routine - get a sippy cup of water, use toilet, choose books (there's that autonomy, but sometimes choosing 3 books takes him 5-10 mins!), read the books, turn out the lights, tell a story in the dark (he's in this phase where he wants a story about him and all of his friends driving construction vehicles and building something, lol), then this is the time where we tell him it's sleepytime, he needs his rest to have a good day, lie still, close his eyes, we love him, etc etc. This is also the time where he tells us he needs the toilet again, and if we try to reason that he's just been a half hour earlier, it sends him to an uproar, so we just started going as soon as he asks and making it as boring as possible), then it's back to his room and getting comfortable and settled all over again. Usually needs another drink. So.....serious stalling tactics!!!
Once he's finally in bed for good tends to wiggle around and whisper (loudly) to himself which I'm fine with, if that's what he has to do to settle, but he wants us in the room with him. Leaving while he's at this point has sent him into hysterics for the past 3-4 months. So if you stay, he generally can calm himself down and fall asleep within 20 mins - I go by the door, ie, as far away from his bed as possible, and I don't have to say or do anything. And I make a point to leave while he's still awake, but just barely. THIS is the part I'd like to fix, but I just don't know how!!! All our hard work out the window!!! But it seems the stories, the lights low/off doesn't do anything to settle him anymore, hence the title of this post. I started only reading one book sometimes since it doesn't calm him anyway, sometimes he's ok with it and sometimes there's a protest.
I will say, though, if you start later, like 7:30/7:40, the settling part takes a little less time and he's usually asleep by 8:20/8:30. This is the other part I want to fix... because if I leave his room at 8:30, do those 2 or 3 things that have to be done before the next day (open the bills, check the email, feed the dogs...) and get lunch ready for the next day (FORGET about preparing dinner in advance!!!), brush teeth, wash face, it's now 9:00 and I'm exhausted. I myself need to read or watch tv to get wound down so we're asleep approx 9:30 or 10 and if all goes well all parties sleep straight through until 6, but more likely, one of the three of us is up before then. Sometimes dh starts to toss and turn at 4 am, sometimes it's me...last night I woke at 12:45. 3:15 and 5:00 (new thread = how to solve mom's night wakings, lol!!!)
So we're stuck in a couple of places - getting him more calm more quickly, and getting the actual sleep time earlier. I think I may try the lavender but I don't think I can get the melatonin here and I'm on the fence about using a substance even if it is natural (having had to wean myself off valerian root several times!!) and I don't think dh would go for it at all.
I do appreciate folks following this saga and offering the advice but until we drop the nap I think we're just going to have to make do until the summer. If we still have the problem after he's moved to the preschool room then we'll have to be more insistent on no nap. Those teachers I think will be much more understanding.
Thank you again - will continue to keep you posted as it progresses.