Oh thanks gals. The nap is 12:30 - 2:30, his log at the end of the day usually says the he fell asleep at 12:40 or 12:50. It's hard to figure out if he 'needs' it or is just napping because they are making him, lol! I would be more than happy to let him stay up until 8:30 or 9, if a) I weren't so exhausted myself, and b) we didn't have to get out the door so quickly. Morning is actually our hectic time...if dh and I are driving together, which we do most days, we must be out the door at 7:30 to get everyone to school by the bell. If ds sleeps too long or dh has something he has to be there early for, we drive two cars (but with gas at 1.30 a litre, that's 5.20 a gallon for you Americans, we really try to carpool as much as we can) - in that case I can leave at about 7:50 and just make it in under the wire. Not much wiggle room... So, again, twiddling the thumbs until end of the school year. We just don't understand how we went from 8pm - 6am plus a 2 hr nap (3-4 hours on the weekend) with no problems to this.....could the big boy bed and the time change really have done that? It's been over 2 months since we transitioned, but we've never recovered.
I really do appreciate all the advice. I don't think we are going to see much change until we drop the nap, so I think I just have to tolerate the late nights for a bit longer. MIL is getting him one night next week, something to look forward to lol!!