Author Topic: questions about pumping and getting him to take a bottle easier  (Read 777 times)

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Hello, I am wondering about storing breastmilk.  My pediatrician said to pump what I could after DS eats and put in the freezer.  I have been just storing it in the refrigerator because I don't get very much at once so I have to do it a couple times a day.  Then I have someone give him the EBM in the next two days because I'm afraid it will go bad.  I'd like to put some in the freezer just in case we ever need it.  He's 3 months and I work part time but I take him to work with me.  So really the only time he will need to take a bottle is if me and DH go out for some time to ourselves (which we haven't done yet) or if something comes up and I unexpectedly have to leave him with a sitter.  So if I put a little each time once I have say 4 oz or so can I then put it in the freezer or do I go ahead and put what I pump in the freezer and then just pour the new in it?  Sorry this is so long, now I have a few questions about getting him to take a bottle better.  DH really seems to have problems with this.  I try to have him give DS a bottle about once a week to try and keep it fresh in his head, but he always cries when he realizes it's not the real thing.  Then spits up what seems to be half of it because he swallowed so much air crying!  I think at first maybe he thinks it's a pacifier?  My mom gave him one and he resisted a little but then took it somewhat easily.  Maybe he takes it better from a women?  Sorry this is so long!


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Re: questions about pumping and getting him to take a bottle easier
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2008, 14:53:19 pm »
Here's a quick reference guide to storing BM.  I printed it out and taped it to the fridge.

If dh is giving the bottle, get him to drape something of yours over his shoulder as he feeds your lo.  Maybe that would help.  Another suggestion is for you to just leave the room or house when dh is trying to establish the habit that it is ok take a feed from a bottle from dh. 

What type of bottles are you using?  Avent and Dr. Brown's are good at reducing the amount of gas.  I'm sure there are others but I'm only familiar with these.  Or you can try to burp him every few oz. 


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Re: questions about pumping and getting him to take a bottle easier
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2008, 21:15:07 pm »
Hi, Pump and store in the fridge then when you pump again add to this (as long as you dont put cold milk and warm milk together) make up to what you want and then freeze within a 24 hr period. If your freezing then you need to do it within 24hrs if your just keeping in the fridge to use it can last to 5-6, yes i was shocked to but you can. Treat it like you would cows milk.

For the bottle feeding, if you want to try a different bottle that is close to mimic the breast flow then have a look at the link below, i use them there great.

Kate x

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Offline CCCmom27

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Re: questions about pumping and getting him to take a bottle easier
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2008, 03:18:25 am »
I pump directly into the bottle so does that mean that I need to pump into a new bottle each time, then put it in the refrigerator to cool before I put them all together for a feed, or can I just continue to pump into one bottle until there is enough for a feed (this is what I have been doing)?  From what your wrote I don't think I've been doing it right since I'm putting warm milk with the already cooled, it's not harmful to do it like that is it?  I hope not but if I pump before I get an answer I certainly won't do it like I have been!  I'm using the medela slow flow bottles.  I guess we should try another kind and see if he likes that better.  Thanks for your help


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Re: questions about pumping and getting him to take a bottle easier
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2008, 12:18:40 pm »
Use a new bottle every time you pump.  Put it in the fridge to cool and then combine it to the other ebm that is already cooled in the fridge. 

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Re: questions about pumping and getting him to take a bottle easier
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2008, 18:26:51 pm »
I don't think it would be too harmful but not sure i would want to drink it myself so wouldn't give it to lo. You don't have to sterilize everytime, you could pump and put into container then put the pump in the fridge (no electrical parts) then use again.

Kate x

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