Hi ladies, jumping in here to look for some advice on my plan to wean in the next few weeks. I still BF Avery but would like to wean in the next 2 weeks (DH has planned an overnight trip for us on April 12 during my vacation from work). I was planning to wean at about a year old anyway, as I did with DD1. Right now, I BF at w/u, she gets a bottle of formula after nap 2, and I BF before bed. She loves solids and has been a good eater so far. My ped said to start introducing cow's milk in a sippy cup at mealtimes and not in a bottle at the times she was normally BFing. She hasn't had much interest in the milk yet but eats yogurt & cheese daily so I'm not concerned. So I guess my question is, what do you think my plan should be as far as dropping the last 2 BFs & bottle of formula in the next few weeks? Even though this is my second time around, it's nice to get some ideas from others, thanks!