Hi everyone,
My 14.5 mo dd is on easy since she is 5 mo. She used to have 2 good naps, went to bed at 7.30-8.00 and wake up at 7.00. Two months ago, she started to wake up earlier, at 6.30 then at 6.00 or 5.40. Sometimes she refused the pm nap, sometimes she had the am nap too late for an am nap. From what I have read on the BW boards, I decided that it was time for her to move to 1 nap. (By the way, I am a working mom, I leave home at 8.00, I return at 18.15, my mother is taking care of dd during the day). So, my mom and I made a plan, we pushed the am nap 15 min every 3 days. In a month or so, she had one nap of 2 or 2.5 h at 12.30. The early waking continued, sometimes I was successful with W2S (slept until 7.30) but generally she woke up at 6.30. She went to bed at 7.30.
The last two weeks were a nightmare. Because dd seemed to be tired, my mom reintroduced am naps, generally from 10.00 to 12.00. DD started to refuse the pm naps completely, or fall asleep at 16.30 or so until 17.30. This very late nap destroyed the bed time, no sleep until 9.30 or so. Eventually, she gets very overtired and this morning she woke up at 5.30.
On top of this sleep problems, my mom could no longer care for dd so she has to go to daycare. They told me that they have 2 naps for babies, at 10.00 and at 14.00. They also say that dd will be more tired at daycare then at home, so she will have 2 naps without problem. But I doubt it. DD can handle long A times in my experience (from the days we had 1 nap, she had 5 or 5.5 h of A times). But I also agree that she will get more tired with all the other babies (they will be 5 ). I really would like her to have two naps, but I fear that she will refuse the second nap at 14.00 and be very OT at 18.00 when I will pick her up.
I am sorry that it took so long, but I really need your advice. Should I tell the daycare to put her for one nap at 12.00-12.30 and introduce early bedtime at 6.30 (the earliest possible because we will be back at home at 6.15) or should they try 2 naps? Or any other solution that will work?
I am really confused, please please please help!