We have something really wierd going on here, and I wondered if anyone has any ideas.
Every alternate night, Katie wakes up around 11-12 pm, wailing, and won't go back to sleep for 2-3hrs. It's only every other night, but it's exactly the same pattern each time.
Our routine:
7am get up and BF (but losing interest - suspect she may wean herself soon)
8:30am breakfast
11:30am snack / half of lunch
12 or 12:15 - nap - usually sleeps around 2hrs. If she's still asleep after 2hrs 15 mins I wake her
2:30pm - second half of lunch
5:30pm - tea
then bedtime routine, aiming to have her in bed 5hrs after she woke from her nap
On the day after a bad night, I put her down for her nap 15 mins earlier than usual and the whole day moves a bit earlier.
The night wakings are odd - they seem to be like OT but this wouldn't explain why it's only every other night. Also she's fine and happy in the day, shows no other signs of OT and is napping well.
It starts off with her wailinng (a bit mantra-ish), which quickly progresses to being very upset and crying hard. I go in and she stops, so I soothe her in the cot which works fine initially. She then fidgets around for half an hour or so with me there, then gets frustrated with being in her cot but not being asleep and starts crying again. I give her the muslin (her lovies) she throws it across the room. I pick her up and hold her till she's calm, then put her down again, at which point she starts screaming and holding onto me for dear life. So I pick her up again, repeat. reapeat for 2-3hrs until she finally decides she's going back to sleep, puts her muslin over her face and goes to sleep.
She's fine going to bed and sleeping independently for naps and bedtime, and at other times I hear her wake up in the night, chat to herself and go back to sleep - so she can do this too, but just not at this 11pm waking.
After one of these nights we typically get an EW too so she's only had about 8-10 hrs of night time sleep. The next night she will sleep for 12hrs straight.
I am really at a loss as to (1) what's causing this, (2) what might need a tweak, and (3) how to get her back to sleep when she does wake, without any major AP.
My work is really intense at the moment and the lack of sleep is absolutely killing me! We have had NW for one reason or another (OT, colds, teeth, milestones) since Katie was 1 year old - and 4 months of sleep deprivation is really starting to get to me.
She changed to one nap at around 13 months and we had problems with NW and EW for a while afterwards as she was OT, but I really think we should be over that by now!
Any ideas?
Bryony xx