No, we don't do a DF anymore... when ds was about 5 months old he was waking up everytime we did it and was waking at the same times for me it was better to go to bed earlier and get up at 4-5. Since we started solids, he started waking from 3-5. I thought since it was around 6 months, he was having a growth spurt, and it's been sporadic since then. But his night bottle is diluted to 3oz formula, 3oz water... I'm slowly getting to pure water, but I'm worried he'll protest!
DS is up for 3 hours after morning waking, and about 2.75 after 1st nap... only sleeps 1 hour 15mins first nap and second nap is sometimes 30 mins (OT I know...) and sometimes an hour or so... We still have the third nap cause it's just too much time bt that nap and bedtime. Bedtime is bt 7-8 depending on the 3rd nap.
I thought ds would be off the night feed by now too....