Author Topic: Still NW after we have got rid of night feed. Can I have some input please  (Read 3636 times)

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Offline *Nicola*

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Hiya :)

Michelle LOL@ not messing with sleep ... I don't blame you one little bit!

Ang ... ewww @ the crib parties.  Hope they stop very soon.  Let us know how you get on with the naps .. hope shortening them makes a difference x

Well ... can't mind where we were last time I posted but basically Friday night she woke about 3am, was really quiet and went back to sleep after about 30 mins.  Saturday night, her bedtime bottle got clogged so she only took about 3oz (mum didnt realise it was clogged and by the time she did Miss C had comfort sucked to sleep!) She woke at midnight and took a bottle as I wasn't going to have mum standing at her cot for hours on end ;) and went back until morning (Obviously!)

Last night she woke about 230am, was quiet but awake until about 315am and then decided she wanted that bottle again.  Cried a fair bit, but nothing too bad I guess.  She settled about 340am.  So it looks like having that one bottle really threw us off course.  However, back on track already so we'll see how the week goes. 

Ang, both kids were fab for mum :) She couldn't believe how much Callie was like clockwork in her routine LOL
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Offline *Nicola*

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Well today we had 1 hour AM nap, 1.5 hour PM nap, 3.5 hours before bedtime and she has been really quite restless this evening so far.  Here's hoping!


Wake up at about 210am, no dirty bum so I left her be, had to go in once as she'd pulled covers out  ::) then she settled down quickly by about 245 which is great for her - usually takes an hour.  Then she woke at 530am  :o :o :o with a dirty bum.  Changed and quietened down but then started crying.  I think she was crying due to tiredness, it sounded that way and she is never awake that early.  Anyway she ended up choking and retching a bit :(.  Gave her a cuddle and she is quiet now.  Not sure if that is because it is an hour after wake up or because she is really tired kwim?

***Groan*** I am shattered  :(  SIL was here til midnight, so I never got to sleep until 1am, Ciara was up with low blood sugars right after Callie settled around 3am so we haven't slept much at all.  I really want this to stop now!! 8 months of NWs is enough  ;)
« Last Edit: June 10, 2008, 05:41:27 am by *Nicola* »
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Offline *Nicola*

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bumping this up a bit! :P
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Offline *Nicola*

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We're doing BLW so often she doesn't eat that much.  I've stopped bread this week as it seems to be upsetting her tummy but we had the same NW well before solids so not sure how much difference it will make but fingers crossed!

Her wake ups are never at the same time so that really stumps me too.  I wish they were more habitual so I could W2S her. 

It's now 9am here, I have had a terrible morning.  Really can't get my act together at all which is just not like me.  Feel totally drained :( I think if she would either just do a NW or an EW or if Ciara didn't need extra support I would be fine.  All together, most nights it is just a killer!
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Offline enna77

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Nicola - don't really know what to suggest but just dropping in some <hugs> I can sympathsise with the EW - yesterday morning was 5am and this morning was 5:45! The previous two mornings were also early but not as bad as she at least entertained herself. This is very unusual we always usually get 7am/7:15am wake ups. Can't believe how shattered I am  :P

Maybe the EW was only because of the dirty bum? I did read somewhere to control night pooping you can look at what you feed for dinner ie whether its carbs or proteins but can't remember which one resulted in less pooping or where I read it  ??? Gosh I'm a lot of help aren't I? Will have a look through my books and let you know.

I managed to stop our NFing by reinstigating the DF, I tried stopping it cold turkey the other night and she woke at midnight  ::) and I certainly don't want to do anything to it now that might result in more EW. So I'm 'bound' by the DF at the moment, I wonder if she will mind me waking her at 10pm every night for a warm milk drink when shes 18  ;)

If these EW continue for us I'm going to try putting her to bed a bit later like 7:30pm, know this isn't supposed to work like that but we've always found the earlier we put her to bed the earlier she wakes.  I'm hopeful its just another one of these many 'phases' they go through though.

Hope you get a better night soon

DD1 Oct 07
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Enna LOL @ warm milk at 18!! That made me laugh!  Great news on no night feeds for you. Giving a quick feed at 10pm is much better than a night feed isnt it?  Callie didnt look for a feed at all last night and actually settled really quickly so if it wasnt for the EW then it would have been ok!

We also find that the earlier she goes down the earlier she wakes.  Unless she is properly OT.  But for a routine shift ... doesn't work ;) We have moved bedtime from about 630 - 7 and I am hoping to get to 730 over the next wee while.  Saying that, it IS the dirty bum that wakes her (or she wakes then poo's) so I don't know how much difference it will make.  We were having a dirty bum at 2am then again at 6am so I guess one is an improvement!

In my heart I know she will even things out and sleep thru when she is ready.  I just hope it is sooner rather than later :)
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Oh Nic bless you, you poor thing! Usually i'm very lucky with J, but I know how you feel today....he wouldnt go to sleep last night until 9pm as it was so darn hot here  :o He was sweating buckets poor little thing. Needless to say he was up at 1:30 overtired, then 5:50 for the day.

So am tired too, then the sodding cat has just knocked my breakfast everywhere!! I am joining you in a (rare) cat hating moment!!! I can sympathise with the drained feeling, we were just getting over that whole ot cycle caused by 2 days of no naps, and now this  ::)

Very pleased you had a good weekend and that the girls behaved. I'm afriad I dont know how to get her to stop pooping in the night  ::) I think I mentioned on the blw thread, I dont give J bread either as it upsets him. Do you think maybe she could do without dinner and that this may help? As you know, its not imperative she has 3 meals a day at this age, so perhaps by cutting the pm solids out and just offering 2 milk feeds instead for now...that may stop her pooing in the night?

My homebirthed, hypnobirthed, waterbirthed everything. 27th Sept '07, 6lb 10oz. Proud to have breastfed for 19 months!

Offline Tamara

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Hey Nic, sympathising with you too.

As you know my little tinker has not once ever STTN (I look upon that as him being kind to me by not even getting my hopes up  ;D) I think I've got up once in the night to him twice ever, and the rest of the time I am up 2-4 times every single night.  He still feeds twice in the night, add in the occasional nightmare, sing-song session or 'help, I've lost the dummy and I've got my muzzy stuck on my face and haven't worked out how to use my hands to move it yet' moments, and that'll be me up lots, so I totally understand what you're going through.

Nowt to suggest though, because I really believe that no matter what you do, all our little tricks, they will STTN when they're good and ready - let's face it, I'm sure you're doing nothing different to what you did with Ciara, same as me with Elin, and for all they're talking and back-chat now, at least they STTN eh?  ::) ;D

Just a thought, as I know it's a factor here - do you think her reflux is bothering her?  You mention that she coughed and spluttered.....could well be reflux related.  I can hear Ioan splutter often, sometimes sounds as if he's drowning and often will have a little wet spot on the sheet next to his head.  Just a thought....

Offline *Nicola*

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((Hugs)) Ang and Awel :)

Awel LOL @ Ciara and Elin :D

I'll keep an eye out for refluxy things - didnt think of that.  We've had no reflux issues at all since moving from breast feeding
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Offline enna77

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Hey Nicola - found what I was looking for in a book where someone was consistently struggling with dirty nappies at night and they reduced the amount of fruit and vege for dinner and increased carbs and found that it decreased the dirty nappies by 50%. Worth a go!

We got no EW this morning - YAY long may it continue! STTN from the DF until 7:15. Now if I could just get rid of this DF....!  :P

DD1 Oct 07
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Offline *Nicola*

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YAY!! Hope it keeps up!  Are you breast feeding the DF? 

LOL Enna, Callie had TONNES of veg for tea tonight EEEEKKKK ... but from tomorrow I will do fruit and veg at lunch and a carb based meal at dinner.  Thank you x

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Offline enna77

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No I've weaned and am all bottles now. I only give her 3.5oz for the DF but she sucks it dry! Not sure if I should start diluting or reducing. In the first instance I might try giving it half an hour earlier and see how that goes at 9:30 but TBH I would rather give the DF forever if it meant No EW. I am so not a 5am person!  :P Or even a 6am person!

DD1 Oct 07
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Offline *Nicola*

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Totally agree.  If it ain't broke don't fix it and all that :)
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Offline *Nicola*

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Updating ...

Last night slept 7pm - 630am .. woke at 130am as she had lost blanket but settled right back down!!
Night before 7pm-7am ... no wake up!!!!

We are limiting both naps so she sleeps 2.5 hours during the day now, and she is yawning much more and seems sleepier at naps times and bedtime than she did previously.  She's still happy and cheery though so fingers crossed :D
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Brilliant Nic!! I am doing pretty much the same....limiting that morning nap to an hour. I HATE waking him up, but actually he more often that not wakes up himself after an hour anyway for some reason?? I dont hink he's UT, he is SOOOO tired when I put him down for that nap! Fine by me though  :D

My homebirthed, hypnobirthed, waterbirthed everything. 27th Sept '07, 6lb 10oz. Proud to have breastfed for 19 months!