Thanks so much for your help, Noelle.
Last night, I offered both sides and she did wake but she went straight back down and had a good feed. The result was that she didn't wake until after 5am, which is good but poses a dilemma for my 7am feed!
What I meant by my original post was that in the past she has missed the 3.30am/4am feed altogether and slept through to 5 or 6. Before I was on a routine, that was fine! But now a little tricky...
I did attempt to resettle but she was wide awake and frankly, given she hadn't had a feed for six hours, seemed only right to feed her.
So in this situation, am I best to wake her at 7am as usual and give her another feed? Even if it's a top-up to start the day? In the past, I would have let her keep sleeping but seems like I should start as I mean to go on.
Have looked for this information elsewhere on the boards but couldn't find anything...
Thanks again for your help.