Thanks for your opinion. It has actually gotten worse if that is possible. He woke up so many times last night I lost count. I tried to get him to nap yesterday, but all I got was a total of 1 and 1/2 hours. Yuck. So OT. He was still in a pretty good mood yesterday, but today he is so beside himself. Also dealing with the eczema and rash again.
I will try to rock him less. I did that a few times but he put up such a fuss, but I will do it. My LO and I are both so exhausted.
Also it is possible that he is teething already? Could that be causing all the sudden night wakings? He will sleep in my arms though so I don't know. He doesn't sleep great though. He is also very twitchy when he sleeps even when he is swaddled. He actually gets himself out of the swaddling most of the time. It seems like an unusual amount of flailing. What do you think of that??