ok thanks for that. We're on pretty much a 3 hour routine, but it doesn't always start at the same time, usually somewhere from 6.45 to 8.30. but here is what happened yesterday!
E 7am
S 8.00 - 9.30
E 10am
S 11.00 - 11.45 I tried to get him to go back to sleep here, but wasn't happening so we went out in the car about 12 as i had some jobs to do, and i thought he might go back off but he didn't
E 1.00
S 2.00 - 2.45
E 4.00
S 4.45 - 5.20
E 6.15
bath at 6.45
S 7.00
DF 11.30 then sleeps straight through til the next morning
So obviously he didn't get much sleep through the day. we were out of the house for about 4 hours, which i'm sure didn't help, but i've tried staying in for the whole day and he doesn't nap any better either. (plus i have to go to work, and i take him with me.... he used to nap fine in his carry cot cos i just used to plug his dummy back in if he woke early)
I'm absolutely useless at reading his cues. I don't know when he's bored or tired. And he yawns from the minute he gets up, even after 12 hours sleep at night, so basically i haven't got a clue!!!!!! (I also did the quiz and i have no idea what "kind" of baby he is as there were almost the same number of answers for each type, plus i don't know if some of his grumpiness is cos he's tired. but he seems like a different baby every hour!)
He goes to sleep fine, does his mantra cry and is asleep usually within a couple of minutes, so i don't really have any skills at putting him to sleep myself, and when i go into his room after a short nap it just seems to make him more awake and then extemely angry.
What should his A time be for a 15 week old? And if he then only has a 45 minute nap, what should his A time be then? Can we go EASASE.
A couple of weeks ago i tried to extend his routine to 3.5 hours and i'm not sure if that threw his naps out a bit too, anyway as you can see we're back on 3 hrs, kind of.
Some advice would be great please because i'm so frustrated and i'm not really enjoying him at the moment, when i want to be cherishing every minute!