Hi Mumplum!
My Lo (who is 3 on Wednesday!!) also has various bed time antics, but the time it takes to get ready for bed and go to sleep can vary significantly. We have pretty much cut out her nap and have noticed a big difference in her willing-ness to get ready for bed and go to sleep easily. Also, we had got to the stage where she pretty much would go to sleep on her own without us lying in the room, but we have had a little set back in recent weeks due to the death of my dad. At the moment, Katie says 'please will you snuggle with me and look after me mummy?' Very hard to resist, especially as she does not play up at all and goes to sleep within 5 - 10 mins if I do this.
Anyway, what I have found has helped active antics in the evenings is as follows:
1. Bathtime - I often pop in and out, but find it is much more valuable for Katie if I spend quality time chatting with her about her day - helps her process it and also gives me an opportunity to remind her what is happening next (pjs, story, bed).
2. Being consistent with what you say and when - e.g. 'please go back to bed', 'it is time to lie down and lie still now', 'it is not time to talk and move around, it is time to rest your body and close your eyes', (if there is a toilet break) 'ok, quick, back to bed now and lie down and relax'. Only if Katie is really not listening or is too active to lie still do I 'resort' to 'mummy is starting to get annoyed now. Please lie in bed, lie still, no talking. If you don't try and go to sleep soon, mummy *will* get annoyed' (and give a kiss and a cuddle). I try and say all of these things really, really calmly. I have never had to resort (OK, maybe once or twice) to actually 'getting annoyed' and, if I have, I always apologise for being grumpy and just explain that I am tired as well. If Katie needs 'physical' help, I will smooth down her sheets, cuddle her up and put her in bed and then 'tuck her in'.
3. For 'moving out' of the room, I have found that sitting on the floor rather than lying on a mattress or sitting ona chair works really well. I can sit right next to Katie's bed, with my head turned away (so she 'gets' that I am not up for a chat), and hold her hand if she needs it. Sometimes when I have done this she has asked that I get into bed with her. I just say that it is more comfy for mummy to sit on the ground and that I am just staying till she gets to sleep. From sitting on the floor next to the bed, you can move gradually towards the door, even if just by a few inches a night, until you are out in the hall. Hopefully this will work well for you, although no guarantees!
I do have to say, Katie has a cousin who is nearly 5 and, when she comes over to stay, I really struggle to get the two of them calmed down and asleep at a reasonable time. The best I have managed is about 8.30, but often it will be 9 or even 10!! The fact is, they are just so excited to see each other it is hard for them to keep calm. Sadly, I have resorted to 'threats' such as, 'if you two keep talking I am going to have to move one of you to another room so you can get some sleep. It is important that you are rested because we are doing 'xyz' tomorrow'. I have followed through with this on 2 occasions and I think they have kind of got the message now. I am generally not into threats or punishments of any kind, so this has only been when I think I am genuinely going to get angry....
Sorry for the ramble - really hope this helps a tiny bit.