Author Topic: 1 year old new night wakings.... !!  (Read 865 times)

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Offline vbeck

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1 year old new night wakings.... !!
« on: June 08, 2008, 18:45:01 pm »
Hi, ive not been on here for a while but the past week my DS has started waking in the night, he is on solids 3 times a day with a bottle first thing and at bedtime, his routine before all this was bed at 7pm, wake at 6.30am and 2 naps in the day, 1.5hours and 1 hour but over the past week his started waking in the night, when i go in and lay him down he is straight back up and if i pick him up to settle him he clings to me, pointing at the door, we have giving in twice and brought him into our bed after 2 hours of trying, last night he went to bed at 7 fine but was awake at 7.45, after half an hour of fighting i brought him down, thinking he just wasnt tired enough to fall back to sleep, he sat on th sofa and at about 9 just layed himself down and fell asleep, i carried him to bed and he slept till 4.30am when he would not go back to sleep so we got up and at 7.30am he was yawning and rubbing his eyes so i put him down and he fell asleep till 9.45! He was out all day with Nanny and Grandad and only had about 30 min nap, was very tired at bed time and falling asleep drinking his milk but as i walked into his room, he started crying, i just layed him down, he stood up so i layed him down again and i left the room, he settle quite quickly but im just waiting for him to start crying again! He has always been layed down awake and had no problems, he goes straight down for naps, he has a dummy but always puts it in himself if he wakes in the night for it! I just dont know what the problem is, his got 10 teeth already and his bottom gums are very swollen so it might be this but when his up, his fine! How can i get back to normal without having a screaming baby trying to climb out of his cot!

Thanks xx

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Re: 1 year old new night wakings.... !!
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2008, 18:57:56 pm »
hello!!  Long time no see  :)  my username used to be 'Hare'...remember me?  :-*

It sounds like your LO has been going thru a very normal bout of separation anxiety  :-\  Its about the right age - my LO is now a year old and has been going thru it too  :(  The thing is, you need to stick with keeping him in his room as by taking him into your room is possibly giving him mixed he now thinks that if he fusses enough you ll take him to wherever you are kwim? 

I dont know whether Pu/Pd would be appropriate for his age as it may wind him up you could keep laying him down everytime he stands up...or try WI/WO.... :-*
Mummy to

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