Ok here's the situation..I've been pumping full time for 2m now as DS had major latch issues (stumped 2 LCs). Just before switching to pumping, my supply was decreasing but with a new high quality pump and some hard work, I managed to get my supply up so that I now produce about 3-5oz more per day than DS eats (which gets frozen and stored). I pump every 2-4hrs round the clock. At night I pump at 9:30 before I go to bed then again around 12 and 3:30 when DS wakes to eat. I will be going back to work in 2 weeks (OMG, that's so soon) and I don't think I'll be able to get up twice a night to pump. DH is taking paternity leave and will be taking over the night feedings. The 2 night pumps are usually my most prolific pumps-it's a cruel trick of nature to make prolactin peak in the wee hours-and I'm concerned that if I sleep through the night I might not pump enough milk for DS (especially as he's showing no signs of being ready to give up either night feeding). Also, with going back to work, I may not be able to pump as often as I might like which is also stressing me out.
So I'm scarred to stop the night pumpings but I know I'll need to sleep to function during the day!
Any other full time pumpers out there? If so, how did you deal with sleeping through the night and/or work and your milk supply?
Any advice would be helpful.