I have just recently gone through this myself, my ds started refusing his afternoon nap when he was about 18 months old. He had been doing 3 hours worth of naps (AM & PM) and suddenly started doing about 1hr in the morning, then not napping in the afternoon. Once I realised that this meant he was probably ready for only 1 nap, I started looking at the 2-1 nap thread, as he was really all over the place - sometimes taking 2 naps a day, most of the time 1, but at different times each day and OT was starting to kick in big time. I finally got some advice to just pick a time and stick to it, so since then he has been going down between 11am - 11.30am. Unfortunately he is still a little all over the place with the length of the nap as they range between 1hr & 2.5hrs. Although these days it is mainly 1hr. He sleeps 12.5-13hrs at night, so this seems to still be enough sleep overall (I hope). I remember reading that when you cut out the afternoon nap, you should try pushing the morning nap later and later until it gets to about 12pm or 1pm. I think by about 15mins or 30 mins each time - waiting about 3 days inbetween moving the times. This didn't really work for me as I tried to do that, but was also trying to follow my ds' tired signs and that was when he was going down at different times each day. It did work when I just picked a time and stuck to it for several days in a row. As I also have a 4.5month old dd, I really miss ds second nap because it is so hard to get anything done when he only sleeps 1hr all day.... Anyway, just thought I'd let you know my recent experience with it and wish you the best of luck getting your LO's down to 1 nap.