help still needed.... i think i may be going crazy. thanks for all the thoughts and advice ladies, but i seem to need more.
our LO is 19.5 months, and at 18 months we transfered him to the BBB. first few weeks were a breeze as he didn't realize he could get out. he have tried everything that we can think of to get him to fall asleep and stay in bed. i know it isn't' the best, but b/c he is still young, we just lye down with him till he falls asleep, or almost asleep. we tried GW, but as soon as we got to sitting at the door, we were back to frustrated parents and 1.5 hours of trying to get him down, and then we would just cave and lye with him. he still gets up 1-3 times during the night, usually, i just put him back to bed and he is OK. occasionally i have to sit at the end of his bed till he falls asleep. this i have to do if he wakes up any time after 4:00. most times he does fall asleep again, but not always. we have a gate on his door, and this morning i was so tired, i just said from my bed (which is right across the hall) "go to bed isaac", he did for 10 min, played, said it again, and he went back for another 20 min. we had such a great sleep up till this. i feel so bad for him, but his sibling is coming anyday now, and i am soooooo tired already. he use to sleep 11.5-12 hours at night and still had 2 naps @ 1:20 at least till we went to one nap and switched beds around 18 months (not at same time, but close).
also, his nap is only about 1:20 long now, and it just isn't enough for him. believe me, this kids needs and use to love his sleep.
here is our routine:
wakes up 4:30-6:00am
nap 11:00/11:30ish (sleeps only for max 1:40)
bed 6:30
please send the advice.....we need it. i would love to have this sorted out before #2 arrives which is really any day!!!! yikes
thanks, nilly