Does she get the wind whether it's bottle or breast? How many feeds a day does she have? Do you try to bf at all of them (except df)? How many end up being bottles?
A few thoughts... First, please don't rely on your pumping output to tell you anything about your supply. It doesn't. Some women with oversupply can hardly pump a drop. LO's are much more efficient at getting milk out than pumps are. Even if you're pumping at a time when dd is taking a bottle for a feed, you still may not / probably won't get out as much as she drinks. That's normal. Some women are lucky enough to pump that much at once, but from my experience & the ladies I've heard about, that's the exception, not the rule.
If you want her back to breast & she's preferring bottle because it's easier, maybe it's time to make the bottle harder, too. My LC told me to use the slow-flow teats as long as possible. Another tip I got was to let lo take a few swallows from the bottle, remove it from lo's mouth, wait a few moments, and repeat. That way it's not the fast, immediate gratification of a gravity-assisted bottle.
Other thoughts, not sure how helpful... Try breast first, incorporating some of the fast-letdown-abatement techniques others have mentioned. If you still need to feed her not on the breast, what about that supplemental feeding method where you have a tube next to your nipple, the babe puts the whole thing in their mouth, and essentially sucks thru a straw while also stimulating you? Somebody help... what's that called?
I feel like I'm just splattering you with ideas, but no *plan* of how to help. I *DO* know about the pump thing though.
I've lived that part. Are you UK, by chance? I know they have some bf'ing helpline numbers you can call, with pretty good results from what I hear. The numbers are on the FAQ page. More {{hugs}} & I'll keep thinking.