You know, I think I'm too much of a clock watcher. Maybe that's my problem. Brenda2, when you mentioned that your daughter's A time varies anywhere from 3-5 hours, it was like a lightbult went off in my head and I went, "YES! Mine too!" But I've always tried to still make them nap unless I was out and about and their nap was pushed later because of that. So maybe I need to just give in and go between the 2 naps and 1. I really wanted to avoid that but it's just not working at this point. I also have to deal with 2 kids who have very different internal clocks, so one may want to stay up for 5 hours and the other for 4, and I have to find the happy medium to keep them on the same schedule.
Tonight they napped late and went to bed at almost 8pm, which is way later than usual, so I'm hoping maybe, just maybe, they might sleep later tomorrow. Maybe this "resetting the wake up time", as Mimi said, will work for everyone? Knowing my luck they'll wake earlier. We'll see!