Just looking for some help with my routine for my 12 month old. She doesn't ever seem to want to nap or go to bed at night. Sometimes I seem to fluke it and she'll happily lie down in her cot and go to sleep, but 80% of the time its a battle. I'm wondering if i'm doing something wrong with her awake times etc or if she is ready to transition to 1 nap. She has always been a very VERY alert baby - i could never get her to breastfeed to sleep even if I wanted to (handy in some ways, annoying if i was ever desperate) and she always wakes up bright eyed in a second (not necessarily happy, but very alert).
Anyway, this is kind of how the day goes mostly (although it changes as i've been experimenting lately trying to get something to work!!)
7am Wake
9:30 Nap (40 minutes usually, occasionally 1 hr)
10:15/10:30ish wake
2pm Nap (40 minutes usually, occasionally 1 hr)
2:45/3ish wake
5:30 dinner
6:00 bath (hypes her up so try not to do it any later)
7:00 bedtime routine /calm down (isn't always as calm as I'd like as dh gets home and dd finds him very exciting)
7:30/8:00 bedtime (usually closer to 8pm)
she just doesn't seem to want to go down for her morning or afternoon nap, she cries when I even go into her room or put her in her sleeping bag, then if I put her in her cot she stands up and cries. We always read books and sing songs and try to make it a nice time, but when it comes to actually going to sleep she almost always gets upset. I usually pick her up when she's really crying and as soon as she stops I lie her down again, she then stands up and cries and I pick her up, lie her down, she's still crying, stands up, so I pick her up till she stops crying...etc etc. Some naps she'll eventually stay down and go to sleep with my hand patting or still on her back, other days i end up holding her till she's quite drowsy as she has worked herself up so much it seems the only way to get a nap to happen at all. The occasional naps where she seems like she wants to go to bed (so rare these days), i can just put her in the cot and stand nearby and she fidgets around and goes to sleep on her own...no patting, touching, shusshing or anything. Why cant it be like that every time!!!
Any help would be really REALLY appreciated!