Author Topic: Baby's weight and the need for a night feed  (Read 672 times)

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Baby's weight and the need for a night feed
« on: June 16, 2008, 20:32:03 pm »
I read in Tracey's book that "if your baby is 10 pounds or more, he shouldn't need a middle of the night feed"

My baby was 9 lbs 3 oz at birth and quickly went to ten pounds...but at 6.5 weeks, he is still wanting his nighttime bottle.  It usually goes like this:

9:00p or 9:30p -- full feed, then bed
2:00a or 2:30a -- full feed
5:00a or 5:30a -- wants feed again
--and then every three hours from there on out

Putting the soother in will tide him over only for a max. of 45 he definitely seems to want food. 

I don't know...just wondering if anyone else read that part and had anything to say/suggest about it.

Proud mom to Zachary and Alex

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Re: Baby's weight and the need for a night feed
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2008, 21:32:39 pm »
If you can only hold him off 45 min then he's definitely hungry. Nothing wrong with that - every baby is different, but it's pretty unusual to have a six week old that can go without a night feed. :)  When Tracy made that statement about 10 lb babies she meant in addition to the dreamfeed - are you DF-ing - and also a baby older than 6.5 weeks I think.

Colin was 7 lb 12 oz at birth but at six weeks he had doubled his birth weight  :o  I personally found that he needed to eat more to support that crazy growth. At that age he was having three night feeds still at least.

So... I guess what I'm saying is that if he's truly hungry you should always feed him and don't worry what anyone thinks ;) 
Mom to Colin Ronald, August 18, 2005
Spirited + Reflux =  :o