Hi again - sorry for absence over last few days, my mum has been here to stay and help me with Jake.
Just now catching up on all the great advise you guys have posted...
To update - over last few days i have been putting Jake down for his naps in his bedroom and also letting him sleep there through the night too. He does seem to be doing better and i've managed to get things done and even get dressed before lunchtime (although the help from my mum has been a godsend!!!) I've decided that before when i was letting Jake sleep in the living room, it was too much of a distraction for me as well and maybe i rushed in too quickly because he was right there...where as now because he isn't in the same room i have been able to let him make his noises and eventually he has settled off to sleep, i just listen on the monitor and if he really starts to cry then i'll got to him. The first day of putting him in his room for sleep was difficult as he must have learnt that i was always there and so he did cry a bit - but i learnt that it wasn't a hunger cry, more of an attention cry becuase i wasn't constantly going to him...he wld cry and then stop and listen and then start up again, but was half hearted (so i have 1 cry to add to my baby whispering list!!!) I've also learnt that when lo does go down for sleeps he likes to make certain whimpering noises, like he feels sorry for himself so i guess this is his way of saying "i'm really tired i need to sleep now".
I've also been feeding him on one side only for abt 20-25mins and he seems quite happy with this and i'm trying to express from the other side whenever possible after feeds.
I've been trying to keep wind down to 45mins as suggested and this does seem to have helped too, however bedtime is still a struggle - not settling until almost 9pm. Last night, after putting him to bed at 7.30pm my mum looked after him so i cld get some rest and lo didn't fall asleep until abt 9.30pm and i was due to feed him at 10pm. I left feed until 11pm and lo slept through to 2.30am when i fed him again but he didn't settle - FH checked on him at 3am-ish and then i checked again at 3.30 (he was unswaddled so i think he was cold but i gave him a 10 min top up just in case and he went off to sleep - not sure if this was the right thing to do?)
Tonight - he had a feed at 5.30pm on 1 breast and then the other breast an hour later after getting him ready for bed. he then sat and had a cuddle with daddy, he was quiet but didn't seem ready to go to bed. i eventually put him down at 8pm - he spat his dummy out once so had to replace it, and he went down nicely for abt half and hour then changed his nappy and gave him a 5min top up as he ws refusing the dummy but still crying. He fed and then burped so maybe it was more wind as the problem...but he is still unsettled so dad is checking on him now...
Decided to keep dummy for now, however we can spend most of nap time replacing it every 10mins or so but will focus on getting sleep patterns right first and then wean him off dummy.
Debra - to answer your Q, i have both secrets of the BW and BWSAYP. Will check out the chapter you suggest.
AngleaMK1 - Had a look at that DVD, looks really good - have found a website which sells it for 15 pounds but going to see if i can get it from my library first. Cld definately use it!!!
Ajay - sounds like your doing a great job too!!! I try and coax the dummy off Jake when he is falling asleep and no longer sucking on it but as soon as i take it away he starts up again. now just leaving him to let it fall out and if he cries for it will replace it. And its definately easier to do things when you've had some sleep, totally agree with you on this one!!!
Keep in touch, wld be good to see how your getting on with your lo - especially as he seems so similar to Jake!!!
Anyway, thanks again for the help and support!!! Your all helping to keep me sane!!!