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I know she's dropping but this seems strange
« on: June 19, 2008, 14:41:54 pm »
Charlie is 3 in August and has always been on the high side for sleep but lately she's been throwing me for a loop.

ie. Father's Day she skipped her nap.  Put her to be 30 mins later (due to all the activities it wasn't an hour).  She woke at 3.00 a.m. wanting to come into bed and watch tv.  I explained it was not morning time and put her back to bed.  She was awake again at 7.20 the next morning ... which is roughly her normal awake time.

The next day I figured it would definitely be a nap day because she missed the day before with alot of activity.  She napped for 1.15 minutes and took till 9.00 p.m. to fall asleep and woke at 6.20.

Yesterday we went to the zoo.  She napped on the way home from 2 - 2.45 when we pulled into our drive.  Put her to bed at 8.00 stories until 8.20 ish as always.  She came out a few times, like normal and was asleep by 9.00 again.  This morning she was up at 6.20 a.m. after a car nap of 45 mins AND not sleeping until 9.00 p.m.

Could she be fast tracking this?  Part of me was thinking she just wants to get up in the middle of the night and early morning because I WAS letting her snuggle and watch tv in our bed while dh and I got a bit more sleep at 6.20.


p.s. Natasha, feel free to kick me in the A$$ but I had to post cause I'm stubborn and dense. 
Charlotte mom to
Charlie Anne August 7, 2005
Campbell Rose March 27, 2007
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Re: I know she's dropping but this seems strange
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2008, 22:00:40 pm »
Hmmmm, really don't know the answer to this. Our DD turned 3 last week and we more or less cut the nap out starting about 6 months ago. However, she still has a nap at a completely unpredictable time every 5 or 6 days or so.

The only thing I can say is that, this week in particular, we have been very busy and have done lots of exciting activities. Katie has been saying some evenings that she isn't tired and doesn't want to go to bed, when she clearly is very tired. Consequently, we have had erratic bed times and strange naps, 3 days in a row (very unusual). Tonight, though, she was asleep by 8 (thank goodness). We haven't had any early wake ups and, in fact, have had to wake her so we can get ready for work / nursery.

My point here is, sometimes when life is kind of exciting, it throws Katie's sleep right out the window and, even though she *may* seem like she is totally thriving on less sleep than normal, she always goes back to her average sleep in 24 hours when life is a bit calmer.

I am saying all this because it sort of seems like you have been doing lots of fun stuff this week, but maybe this is a normal week for you - I am not sure!

The snuggling in bed watching TV thing whilst you grab some more rest - I cannot tell you off for this, because I am all for that (Katie and I will snuggle in bed together to watch TV either in the day or early evening - I try and take this opportunity for a nap myself!! Hee hee).

No idea if this helps or not. Oh, one more thing, I do know of kids that have suddenly jumped from big naps every day, early bed time, to no naps and normal bed time, literally overnight - maybe your LO is doing this - who knows?! (I am no way any expert whatsoever!!! Heehee haahaa).

Hope you figure it out. xx


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Re: I know she's dropping but this seems strange
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2008, 23:30:49 pm »
well now...good question....let me know when someone finds an answer will ya?

Now I'm just kidding...I think it's entirely possible that she's playing with her own sleep times...and you need to find that happy medium.

We've been waking Lach at the 1 hour mark (when we have the control) or letting him stay up and have quiet time....but for some reason he LOVES to nap at the dayhome workers. Go figure....but bedtime is consistent everynight, 8:00pm, but he's asleep anywhere from 8:15pm to 9:15pm. In the morning, if it's dark he has to be in his bed, if it's light (darn daylight savings) then he has to cuddle until MIN. 6:45 (longer if Charlie's still sleeping).

Frances made a good point though about all the excitement...I know all the rain was killer, but what about a few days around the house, with consistent nap times? predicitable routine?

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Re: I know she's dropping but this seems strange
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2008, 03:19:22 am »
Arg!  An update.

The rest of our week last week was normal.  Same schedule, nap and bed.  The same stuff was happening.

Sunday for example dh and I were pretty busy in the yard and she didn't nap.  No big deal.  When we came in from outside she fell asleep on the couch at 4.30.  I let her sleep for 20 mins dredding the little girl who would wake up grumpy.  She actually did okay for mood which is rare.

That night was up three times an hour apart.  Wide awake.  I woke her in the morning which is rare nowdays but I guess she was awake so much last night that she needed the sleep.  So I figured today was a nap day.  I accidentally (I feel asleep too) let her sleep for 1.5 hours.  I skoffed if off to her needing to catch up anyway.  Its now nearly 9.30 p.m. and she's still wide awake.

What do you do with them later in the p.m. when their lack of nap catches up to them? 

What's with all the night wakings?  I don't let her in our bed anymore for at least a week.

Marie, when Lachlan does nap for that hour does he give you more grief when its bedtime ... getting up and out of his room alot?

Charlotte mom to
Charlie Anne August 7, 2005
Campbell Rose March 27, 2007
And wife to the man of my dreams.

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Re: I know she's dropping but this seems strange
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2008, 03:44:44 am »

p.s. Natasha, feel free to kick me in the A$$ but I had to post cause I'm stubborn and dense. 

LMAO how did you know i would read this  :P

Natasha proud Mum to:

My big princess Catherine 7/8/05
My little princess Mirelle 17/10/07

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Re: I know she's dropping but this seems strange
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2008, 03:54:40 am »
I would definitly like some ideas too, Joshua is doing the same thing, he still naps, anywhere from 1-2 hours, but nights are a nightmare... He comes out several times saying he can't sleep. He goes to sleep anywhere from 8 - 9.30 which is unusual and wakes at 6.30, which is also 1 hour earlier than normal, it used to be 7.30/8 for bedtime and awake, i,e, 12 hours of sleep.
If we skip a nap it's even worse, then he still stays up at night AND wakes up at 6 or so.
Maybe it's just a developmental stage?


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Re: I know she's dropping but this seems strange
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2008, 04:17:40 am »
Charlotte, Yes, I find that he will jack in the box a little more on those days that his sleep is "limited", but I find ANY sleep after 3pm, we end up with an up and down, I need to pee, I need a drink of know the routine...

If I could get him to sleep from 12:30-2pm that would be great...I think...LOL