My Textbook DD started showing signs of being ready to transition to a 3.5 EASY when it was thrown off by her growth spurt a week after turning 3 months. 2 weeks later things are really wonky - Eating goes 4 hr/3.5hr/3hr during the day, and one 6 hours stretch followed by 4hr stretch on a good night. Her A&S schedule changes everyday. The only time I get a 2.5 hour nap is if the nap(s) before were 45 min. The A is really only ever 1.5, even in the evening.
A Sample Day - if everything goes well, which it rarely does
8:00am - Eat
9:00am - Sleep
10:30am - Wake
12:00pm - Eat, followed shortly by Sleep
2:00pm - Wake
3:30pm - Eat, followed shortly by Sleep
5:00pm - Wake (not hungry)
6:30pm - Eat
7:00pm - Bath, desperatly try and keep awake for a bit longer to top up
7:30pm - Bed
12:00am - Eat
4:00am - Eat
Problem is, usually one of her naps ends up begin a 45 min (I can usually predict it too). Sometimes her first A time is longer too, so I end up feeding her early at other times so she will have a long nap instead of waking up after 30-45mins hungry. So, how do I manage to get her E & A/S balanced to an even 3.5 Easy? I have already noticed that she is starting to associate feeding with sleeping which I am trying very hard to avoid.