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Offline newmama12

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EW help!
« on: June 25, 2008, 14:19:34 pm »
DD has recently become a very early riser....5:45-6am most days. Is there anyway to get her to sleep till at least 6:30-7am? She's sort of transitioning to the one nap a day. If I push the transition, do you think that would help in the overnight sleeping?
I've tried all different things: earlier bed time, later bed time, shortened naps, longer naps. AHHH!!! Not sure what to do b/c it really stinks! I can't get her on a 12 hour schedule when she's up so early. I think it would be pretty difficult to put her down at 6pm b/c sometime her pm nap will last till 3:30-4.

Mom to my Spirited DD (5) and Textbook DS (23 months) :)

Offline skatty

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Re: EW help!
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2008, 19:55:09 pm »
EW is one of the signs that LO is ready to start transitioning to one nap but it's best to take it slow and watch out for OT, perhaps you should post your routine and we can try and help you. A lot of people find once Lo has transitioned they start to wake later in the morning  :)

Offline newmama12

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Re: EW help!
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2008, 00:26:24 am »
Here's our typical routine:

6:00am: wake
6:30: out of bed (she plays in her crib for a bit when she wakes)
7:00: breakfast and then play
8:45: starts showing signs of being tired so I put her in bed (sometimes she'll fall asleep by 9, other times not till 9:30, 9:45. Typically sleeps 1-1.5 hours, however past 2 days has only napped 40 minutes here)
10:30 wakes from nap and gets small snack and we play/run errands
12:15ish: lunch and then play
2:00: starts showing signs of being tired again (takes till 2:30 to fall asleep. sleeps 1-1.5 hours)
4:00: wake and small snack then playtime
6:00: dinner
6:40: bath
7:00ish: bed (sometimes asleep within 10 minutes, other times not for 30-40 minutes)

Thanks! Hope you guys can have some suggestions for us!!
Mom to my Spirited DD (5) and Textbook DS (23 months) :)

Offline skatty

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Re: EW help!
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2008, 05:24:00 am »
It does look like she is working her way towards the transition if she is starting to take a small nap at 9, perhaps she needs more A time in the morning? Too early a nap can reinforce EWs. The usual advice for those transitioning is to keep the morning nap short, usually 45 mins and then bring the PM nap earlier to around lunchtime so for example if the nap ended at 9.45 then nap 2 should be 3-3½ hours later. I on the other hand found that if I cut the AM nap it would lead to a short PM nap so as my DD had always been a great morning napper I started to push that nap later and then late afternoon gave a 20 min catnap and bed two hours after that finished, it worked a treat for us. You could take a look at the 2-1 nap switch thread for more ideas  :)

PS if you go with the short AM nap idea it may be worth cutting it to 30 mins as your DD seems to have cut it down to 40 on her own.

HTH, Katt :)