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Not feeding and gone a bit odd!!
« on: July 01, 2008, 17:50:49 pm »
Hi Ladies

LO is 8 1/2 months old and I have always thought he was a textbook baby, prob with a slightly spirited side when it comes to eating.

For the last 2 weeks things have been a bit odd. He has started refusing the spoon more and more. For the last 2 days he has more than halved the amount of formula he is taking...............from approx 28oz to 14 oz yesterday and 12oz today. He seems excited to see the bottle, takes a few sips and then throws himself backwards and refuses any more. We weaned off BF a few weeks ago but prior to that we were mixed feeding so I do not think it's purely a bottle issue.

He may be teething. Running his tongue along his lower gums and pulling really funny faces. Also he is REALLY cranky. I've been giving calpol/nurofen but it has made no difference to the feeding.

Usually he does not cry but as I said, he's been mostly fussing and crying today. The other odd thing is his sleep...........but I'll post that on the sleep board......but basically REALLY tired.

Does this sound like teething? I am worried as it's so hot here and his nappies are barely wet all day. He drinks water from a doidy but not enough to compensate for the poor milk intake.

Anyone been through this scenario already? Any advice most welcome.

Thanks Nina xxx

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Re: Not feeding and gone a bit odd!!
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2008, 20:03:52 pm »
Huge hugs Nina,

I could have written your post a few days ago.  DD was doing exactly the same thing and ours lasted about 3 weeks, but yesterday and today has been a fast improvement.

From reading your post, I would say that it is almost certain that it is down to teething.  DD cut her formula in half the other day and only had about 10oz, and I could not get any more in her.  Have you tried teething gel?  We rub a bit on her gums a few mins before a feed and this seemed to really help.  We also used paracetamol to ease the discomfort and hep with the grouchiness.

To help keep her intake up, I ended up doing a little AP, which I know is not the best way to go, but wanted to make sure she had a decent feed in the evening.  I would wait until she had fallen asleep and then give her the rest of her evening bottle to make sure that her tummy was full and she had a good nights sleep.

With regards to the spoon refusal, it is not uncommon at this age that they do want to try and self feed.  I offer DD something that she can eat as finger foods, and while she is playing with it and concentrating with that, I am spooning her dinner into her mouth.  It does make things a little easier especially if she does not see the spoon comming and generally she would bat it away and I would end up covered in food.

I would also just keep a close eye on him.  With you saying that he seems extra tired, just keep an eye on him incase he is coming down with something.  He may just be extra tired as he is not sleeping as well at night due to the teething, but just keep an eye out.

Also, what size teat are you using?  Do you think you could go up a stage, to help the milk come out a little faster, that way he won't have to suck as much.  I know they suggest a slower teat for babies that have just been weaned from BF, but he is older, so it should be ok.

Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007

Offline ninav

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Re: Not feeding and gone a bit odd!!
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2008, 20:48:47 pm »
Hi Paula

Thanks for the message. DS1 never had any teething issues, they literally popped out one after the other and he never seemed bothered, so this is very new territory for us.

I need to get some teething gel, I hope it will help as calpol/nurofen even 20 mins before a feed is not helping.

We are trying lots of finger foods, LO picks them up and throws them on the floor or rubs his head with them (LOL). This is despite me and DS1 eating them with him to help him learn. If I try to spoon feed him whilst he is playing with his finger food he cries and gets really no luck there (amazing how different they all are, distraction worked wonders for feeding DS1 at this age).

We are using a size 3 teat in a Dr Brown's bottle now we are no longer BF.

Oh well. I guess we will ride it out as best we can........I just hope LO will be ok. So sad when they are unhappy and distressed. The saddest thing is when he is trying to smile and be entertaining, hiding behind his muslin, when actually he is clearly unhappy.

Thanks again Paula, hope your LO is truley over his bad spell with teething.

Nina xxx

Offline * Paula *

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Re: Not feeding and gone a bit odd!!
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2008, 20:57:25 pm »
Huge Hugs Nina, I know how hard it can be.

Teething is awful.  My DS did not suffer too badly, but DD does seem to be a lot fussier with her teeth.  I also try feeding DD her food with my finger.  Not the greatest, but she does take some food of my finger.  Worth a try ??  ???

I hope your DS gets through this phase quickly.

Please let us know how the teething gel goes.
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007

Offline ninav

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Re: Not feeding and gone a bit odd!!
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2008, 08:34:28 am »
Hi there

Things were awful yesterday despite teething gel and calpol/nurofen. LO took 8oz all day. He took a bit of water too but not much. Today seems a bit better, he's still really not himself but took 6oz of milk (over about 90mins) and then a few spoons of yoghurt for breakfast. I hope things will continue to improve. I think one of the bottom teeth has cut thro the gum, it certainly looks like it but LO won;t let me feel properly. Hard to get teething gel in his mouth too as he shouts if you go anywhere near........have managed a few times but actually smearing it on his bottle teat seems the best way.

Offline * Paula *

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Re: Not feeding and gone a bit odd!!
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2008, 08:59:27 am »
Huge hugs, I know exactly what you are going through.

If you think that one has cut through, chances are the otherone is not far behind.  They usually do cut through in two's.  Have you tried an open cup?  You may be able to get a few extra oz into him.

If you are worried about the amount he is taking in, you might want to chat to your HV or GP to see if they have any suggestions.
Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007