Hi, my 16-week-old baby sleeps from 7 to 7 (I know I am extremely grateful - wake to sleep did the trick), and he is super-content in the morning and usually goes down by himself sleeping for 1.5 hours from 9 to 10.30). After that, everything changes. He doesn't sleep for more than 30-45 minutes for his midday and afternoon naps (have tried everything to extend them...), and he is often extremely cranky (even directly after a nap) and has recently started to cry A LOT in the afternoon, for no apparent reason. I try to keep activities calmer, to avoid OT - but I can't find a way to keep him content after say 2pm...
Any ideas what's going on here? How can I keep him happy throughout the day?
His routine is (give or take 15-30 mins):
E followed by A: 7.15am
S: 9-10.30am
E & A: 11.00am
S: 12.30 (45 mins, sometimes manage to get another 20-30 mins after some hard work)
E & A: 2.30pm
S: 4.00pm
A incl bath: 4.45-6.00pm
E: 6.00pm
S: 6.45pm
E (dreamfeed): 10.30pm
Many thanks!