I know this question is posted often, but I'm a little confused with Q's current schedule. He is currently on a 3.5 hour EASY routine and I think he's showing signs of being ready to move to 4 hours. He is 4.5 months old. He's a pretty good eater, but has become distracted recently. He's had a few night wakings, starting this week. He is also having problems because he is rolling onto his belly in the crib and even though he can roll onto his back, he doesn't and he wakes up and cries. He has refused to sleep during his 3rd nap the past 3 days in a row and even before that he rarely slept the whole time. He can stay up 2 hours, except the first chunk in the morning, which is sometimes at 1h45m, but usually around 1h35m. Any ideas/help is appreciated.
Here is his current schedule:
7 - Eat
8:30ish - Sleep
10:30 - Eat
12:15 - Sleep
2:00 - Eat
3:45 - Sleep (rarely sleeps the whole time)
5:30 - Eat
7:15-7:30 - TU and bed