Author Topic: Hello I'm new, question about baby who can do 4 hourly feeding by not napping.  (Read 812 times)

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Offline Katie Lou

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I have a 14 week old Daughter who I am trying to get on to the EASY routine. Before trying EASY we were pretty much doing it anyway. She would go for  3.5 and 5 hours between feeds so once I read the book have gone for the 4 hourly routine. In the morning she does the EASY well but after the 11 am feed she naps for 45 min, then is happy and awake but then needs another sleep before the 3pm feed which can be trickier to put her down for and she'll then sleep till 3.30 or 4 given half a chance. She is more than happy with the 7.30 bedtime (my 19 month old dependant) and the dreamfeed and will sleep till 7 again so long as DS doesn't wake her.

Can babies do EASYA or even EASYASY or should I get tougher on the length of nap.
If I feed at 7am she is literally falling asleep by 8.20 - should she awake longer?

Other useful info -
She is Breastfed and takes about 10-15 min to feed (even from both sides if that hungry)
She hangs on to her wind and likes to be held facing forward on my lap for a while after feeds
She has a dummy for sleep (and sometimes when awake which i know I need to stop and soon) which she sometimes spits out and needs me to put back in but sometimes keeps in and sometimes doesn't use at all
Before doing EASY she would sleep 8-5-8 at night.

Many thanks for any ideas, I'm looking forward to reading other posts on te site for help and advice.

Katherine, Zachary (19 months) and Annabelle (14.5 weeks). Xxx

Offline * Paula *

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Hi Katherine,

Sorry your post was not replied to sooner.

Can you post what your current routine looks like with timings of E, A and S for the day so that we can get a better picture, and help you tweak your routine.

Sounds like your DD is doing well sleeping from the DF to morning.  That is fantastic.

Thomas Michael - 12 July 2005
Abigail Louise - 23 October 2007