Hi Vicku and thanks for the reply, your thoughts are exactly the same thoughts as I had but she is definitely getting OT for the nap and today proved it as we had her down much earlier and she slept for 1hr15 and woke up miserable so I am sure she is unwell in some way, I just can't work out what way, teething, ears
I know she gets a ridiculous amount of sleep but she has been like that since 1 nap, I swear she is still catching up from the lack of sleep in her first year!! Before this she would do a 13 hour night and a 1hr20/30 min nap most days. As you know she is also very energetic so she seems to go at life full throttle and then need some time to recuperate, unfortunately that window is very small. I am ever expectant of her dropping her sleep needs but as of yet it is not happening, maybe when she has all her teeth and her ears are clear? I thought she was getting ready to drop the nap all week but it was DH who pointed out how fussy she is getting every morning before her nap so that's why we thought we'd try the early nap and it worked although we still got her down a bit too late
I can't believe the first day she skipped her nap I was happy because I thought we were at the stage when the odd day of no nap wouldn't effect her but it was followed the next day with wired behaviour when put down for her nap so we went out in the car and got a nap there and the next day DH ended up taking her out for a walk and she woke up thoroughly miserable at 35 mins
My plan was to try and push bedtime later so she is more tired for the nap the next day but now I realise this isn't the problem, she didn't even want stories tonight just wanted to go to bed at 6pm, if she has less overnight sleep at the mo' it will hardly be worth getting her out of the cot in the morning!! I wonder if the doc will be any help on Friday, whenever I have bought up her huge sleep needs to our doc she just tells us to count our blessings and points out that she is tired just watching her lol! She has had increased sleep when she is ill or teething before but at those times we have known what was wrong and she has needed pain relief so I am so puzzled, perhaps a molar will break through and explain everything, I just hope there isn't another bug lurking
I am sure there must be someone out there whose LO has had the same but I have never read about it., the only other real difference in her is that she is suddenly very well behaved! She is holding our hands more when out walking and staying calm in shops, can sit and play quietly with her crayons and basically shocking us with the change! I have wondered if it is developemental as I have seen with my friends kids they seem to suddenly have a huge developement spurt when they are around 2, I suppose she could also be having a growth spurt, I'm thinking aloud now! That is a good point they sleep much more then don't they and she is eating really well at the mo', she has grown a lot recently anyway though so maybe not
Crikey I am sorry waffling on, I think I will just go with the early nap and see what happens, if it works great, if not I will have to change something! Hopefully the treatment she will start on Friday will help.
Thanks Vicku, I didn't expect any magical answers but it is nice to have some support