Welcome newmama12! it's great to hear other mom's stories of this wonderful transition time!
Alright Michelle...here's how the day ended up going.
wake - 6:20
nap - winddown began at 9:25 (rubbing eyes); in crib by 9:36; and asleep at 9:50
wake - 10:42 ( OT
) I tried to leave him in the crib, but he was happy and I could hear him playing in his crib!
nap - winddown began at 1:25 (I know it was early, but he was SO cranky!!!); in crib at 1:37 and asleep at 1:57
wake - 2:52 (not a horrible nap...woke up a little upset, but was happy quickly after)
bedtime - winddown bega at 6:05; placed in crib at 6:30; asleep at 6:45
My plan unless you see something that I don't from our schedule today is:
1) I am going to try for 3.5 hours A time in the am
2) depending on how that goes, I will either try for 3.5 hours of A time in the pm or it might be shorter if he's so dang tired!
3) I am going to move the nursings for naps out of the room (my main goal is to get rid of these nursings since he will be starting mothers day out soon and wont be able to nurse before naps!)
So my question for you. If I am able to do the 3.5 hours of A time my schedule would look like this if he woke at 6:30
6:30 wake
10 - nap
11:30 (
) wake
3 - nap
3:45 (
) wake
6:30 bedtime
1) IF the first nap is really good (1.5 hours); do I only allow about 30-45 minutes for the 2nd nap?
2) IF this schedule really happens do I still try for a 6:30 bedtime or still follow the 3.5 A time pushing the bedtime to around 7?
3) Should I keep the 6:30 bedtime to try to keep from any OTness setting in?
4) If eye rubbing occurs like it did today(before A time is used up), should I go ahead and get him to bed and then start 3.5 A time from when he wakes up?
Thanks for your help....I do hope one day I can give such great help and reassurance to parents going through this!